Flashpeak SlimBrowser

Any significant, known, security problems associated with SlimBrowser?

  • jr0ck
  • 12-06-2011, 07:51 PM

They have in the past. But you have to understand, security research is typically done on the more popular things. Thats why firefox and IE are always under the spot light.

Just because you don't run into many well known vulnerabilities, doesnt mean one won't become an issue.

What exactly are you looking for in a browser? You can speed up firefox by unloading all of the unnecessary extensions.


I've never used webkit directly, but it is apparently what IE and FF are both built from. So it might be worth checking out.
jframe2's Avatar

The code for this browser might be associated with criminal elements out of Eastern Europe.

This is not necessarily substantiated, but it has been discussed in the IT world.

I know enough that I would stay away from it.
Good luck,
Thanks all,

jr0ck, yeah, I'm looking for speed, and I've now gone back to my old browser and disabled extensions.

JFrame2, hmmm, thanks. Good to know.
jframe2's Avatar
I would never fly unsubstantiated info about a hobbiest or provider. But this is a little different so I thought I would try and raise a flag.

Good luck,