I sometimes wonder what it would be like to take professional pictures. I have always just had a friend or guy take them for me or taken them myself with my webcam. I feel like i would be more comfortable with a professional photographers guidance.
I also will be offering cam shows soon but I didn't think about offering it to potential or past clients hobby wise. Is that something you guys might be into?
Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Posing is like math, intimidating till it clicks, but a few simple rules will get you most of the way. And, once you know it, it's good for more than just photography, body language is pretty much universal and will draw attention to those who know how to use it (and those who don't) in everyday settings.
This discussion is aimed at photographers but it outlines the best "rules", you have to sign up for a free account, but everything Benji writes is pure, unadulterated, free, photographic gold.
If nothing else, learn about head tilt, the 3/4 pose, and "short" and "butterfly" lighting.
Deitrich is one of the most iconic beauties of the ages, and she was ALWAYS the one who told the photographer where the lights would be!
Study the type of photos you really like and want to model your style after and go for it!
My latest attempt at the old "Hollywood" glamor with my muse Lindsey.