What if....?

SofaKingFun's Avatar
...someone was to find a list of everything you've ever Googled...
How fuct are you?



Sonya Playmate's Avatar
I thought of that too before Ha! will all would be (very, very) fuct lol
BuxomBrown's Avatar
I'd probably get arrested...
I'm really big on conspiracy theories,
...and porn.
Oh shit! LMAO Im fucked too! Maybe a little cyber stalking, porn, more porn, naughty chat rooms, posting some bitch on the dirty LOL oops! I've been a bad girl!
sanantonioman37's Avatar
my response would be, what you don't Google. that too?
oldtiger's Avatar
Fortunately, poor taste is not typically a criminal offense.
Jet Carson's Avatar
pretty fuct!
Sonya Playmate's Avatar
Can't we just all fuct now lol
raedy4funn45's Avatar
Maybe the will lock me up and throw away the key.... but I have Googled lock picking, among plenty of other things.....maybe some porn

The sad part is most of what we do online is truly saved somewhere, and can be tracked to a person at a certain place, and at a certain time.

And now, back to surfing porn
Precious_b's Avatar
It is already a matter of record.
Why sweat it. Big Brother already has tabs on you
Did someone say *fuct?* Yes, I do...and often! (lol)
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Uhhh Pepper,...what the..?..damn. I got nuthin... you left me speechless, you silly ass.

Me? I'm pretty safe and don't have too much to worry about...

...at least not yet, anyway.

When I get to those pearly gates though, it's gonna' be an entirely different story. St. Peter's just gonna' shake his head and say, "You've got to be fuckkin kidding me, right? You're not as bad as that Pepper chick we had earlier, but you might as well just go ahead and stand in the Departing To Hell In The HOV Lane line.

On the bright-side, Pepper's gonna' be driving."


lol um that would be a funny and confusing list. They'd be like hmmmmm porn on friday, hulu on saturday, and churches on Sunday buahahahahaha!!!!