I have been in 3-4 different conversations over the last few days with different providers on a couple different methods and (I dont think Im alone in this).....but the conversation just goes DARK!
Im sitting there waiting on a reply ...nothing...NO KISS MY ASS...nuthin!
Providers you cant say "hey I gotta run...ttyl" be frickin couteous!
Ya send a mssg...it gets read....basically screams a reply....nuthin!
Now A bit of background..Im a AD Sales Rep who sees 10-15 businesses a day and calls another 25-30 and on top of that AND gets 80 emails a day which all require a reply!! On top of that Im a single dad!
I always reply timely and dont procrastinate...If I did my income would suck!
AND dont give me that "Im busy" or "I had an appt" crap
It cant be that bad for Providers....WE all here have lives and families!!
A providers time is no more important than mine is...and im the one with the coin...The client (me) is REVENUE for your family for your livelihood!!
If I treated someone who spent money with me or will in the future the way some providers do...Id be Broke!
I know this is a slow time for providers (obviously Im not a provider) and you all are reaching out to people to make appts and trying to get us to book with you...and if you aint got no mo money....WELL Im done with ya....well thats for the street ...this is suppose to be a more professional system a different standard.
When you communicate with your regulars or whatever..taking the time to talk to them..you are planting seeds for revenue in 2012.
ya see regular clients ..DIE, MOVE AWAY, DECIDE TO GET OUT, whatever....but if you treat them like shit they just stop seeing you!
If i take the time to write you you outta have the decency to reply and even tell me you cant talk right now!
Now Im not saying all providers are like this...their are some great ones here....but I sick of it! Thats all....everyone go back to your TV trays and Healthy Choice meals and X factor!
Good Nite and God Bless!