Toys for Tots ???

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Escort Offers 'Toys For Tots' Discount To Johns

Just saw this story. Interesting concept.
T4T and the Marines want nothing to do with questionable donations. Unless the ladies do it quietly and just give the gifts anonomously(sp).
Who cares where the toys come from as long as some depressed little kid gets it on Xmas? I don't care if a bank robber bought toys with stolen money..I'd give them away and tell the bank to collect insurance.

Besides, it's just a shameless ploy to spice up a slow news week. Maybe the lady is just trying to make a little extra cash by working on the heart strings; maybe she genuinely wanted to help kids..It's irrelevant, no one got hurt, scammed, or hurt, and people befitited across the board. but they are demonizing it all. Tisk Tisk to this Journalist.

If the lifestyle/hobby HAS to be in the news, I rather it be in this light!! LOL