Aarrrggghhh I hate Xmas shopping crowds!

Rakhir's Avatar
Tried to knock out some quick shopping at the Tanger outlet in San Marcos today just because I happened to be driving by there and it was convenient to do so. No specific gift idea in mind just thought it would be a good idea to peruse some of the stores and maybe pick up an offhand item or two.

1st Not one parking space to be found. People are parking on the side of I35 and hiking in.

2nd Not one bit of common courtesy by drivers or pedestrians! Twice damn near wrecked my truck cause someone can't be bothered to signal their intentions before they suddenly decide to turn. And several times had adults & even kids dart out in front of me even when I was able to move.

Fuck This!!!! I gave up and beat a tactical retreat out of there! I don't care if it cost more somewhere else it isn't worth the grief of that place!

Do yourselves a favor and avoid it at all costs!!!!!
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 12-17-2011, 02:58 PM
One of a number of reasons why I do a good deal of my shopping online.
SpursFan's Avatar
Was in North Star mall the other day and it was packed as well though I did find a spot in my favorite covered spot.

I was amazed at all the young Latin tail from Mexico doing their shopping at the US of A.

Many of the stores have to have bilingual staff to deal with this niche of consumers.

Nice to have $$$$ flowing into our economy but what crowds.

Places like the Apple Store were loving life.

Could there be are any UTR Latina providers in their midst?

got2bfun's Avatar
I also do my shopping online now. Don't like the crowds.
Rakhir's Avatar
Most of what I do is online as well but god forbid you wish to stop to take a look around any cluster of stores right now.
bigjimt52's Avatar
SpursFan...saw some excellent tail from Mexico in Academy last wk...just followed two cause they had the finest ass Ive seen in a while.... oh soooo nice
Aftershock's Avatar
Heard the Rim is a place to avoid too if ya hate the holiday shopping crowds. I must agree though the only plus is that the increased crowds means increased eye candy
I also hate crowds. Thank goodness for online shopping.
Coolpops's Avatar
Acouple of days before Thanksgiving, was in North Star mall for bout
an hour. Lots of latina tail from south of the border was a shopping away.
An eye candy bonanza. Next day as I was flying out of town, there was
also a ton of babes at the airport. You should have seen it.

Now if you really need to get something from the store/mall; just f'ing
wait until January. Most of the crap will be on sale or heavily discounted
by then !!!!
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 12-18-2011, 12:32 AM
Was in North Star mall the other day and it was packed as well though I did find a spot in my favorite covered spot.

I was amazed at all the young Latin tail from Mexico doing their shopping at the US of A.

Many of the stores have to have bilingual staff to deal with this niche of consumers...

...Could there be are any UTR Latina providers in their midst? Originally Posted by SpursFan
SpursFan...saw some excellent tail from Mexico in Academy last wk...just followed two cause they had the finest ass Ive seen in a while.... oh soooo nice Originally Posted by bigjimt52
Acouple of days before Thanksgiving, was in North Star mall for bout
an hour. Lots of latina tail from south of the border was a shopping away.
An eye candy bonanza. Next day as I was flying out of town, there was
also a ton of babes at the airport. You should have seen it. Originally Posted by Coolpops
Such beautiful scenery is also evident during the few weeks prior to Easter.