Farewell, Austin, Texas.

Baloney Pony's Avatar
Howdy, Folks!

I did it.

Sold my house, packed it up, and left.

I'll prolly lurk from time to time, just because y'all tend to be a pretty vocal and goddam interesting bunch o' critters.

No Hobbying where I am now, however. After checking with locals who would know and would give my reliable intel - it doesn't exist here in any form readily available.

Shoot - even traveling providers skip this place, which is odd, considering the amount of coin in the new digs.

[No, I'm not going to say where it is. So please, don't ask.

Suffice to say - it's a waypoint on my final destination.

I've picked out the place I wanna live until I die; I can't get there just yet, but...I'm closer.

This will do for now.

Only a few hours away, and that's a far sight better than I was.

Oh, and the place I hope to eventually end up - NO HOBBYING.

They just divorce each other and everyone shares and swaps DNA. Just enough of a gene pool for the sake of health, but...some of the family trees look like wreaths.

I'll be the bachelor, and maybe as such, a valuable commodity. ]

Y'all take care, try to play nice with each other, and...HAPPY HOBBYING!!!!!

sixxbach's Avatar
Take care BP..... you have always been a favorite poster of mine.

Drop by with your wit anytime.....

Tatonka's Avatar
Good luck BP
Stop by whenever you feel like.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Although I never indulged in it, I always enjoyed your posts on the SW scene. And your comments in other sections of the site. Best of luck in your new location, and your future location, whereever it may be.
KosherCowboy's Avatar
Best of luck BP and thanks for your kontributions to the kommunity board(s) over what seems to be almost a decade !

All the best BP, Good luck
So long, farewell, Au'voir, auf wiedersehen,
Good luck with your new location and lifestyle!
Always look forward & don't look back.
GneissGuy's Avatar
No storage lockers in the new location?

Good luck in your plans.
cckid2006's Avatar
I think I use to live there - TG I found Austin.
InU's Avatar
  • InU
  • 12-27-2011, 03:10 PM
This sounds like a bunch of baloney!!!!

You knew you had it coming.

Enjoy your celibacy and it appears your on the right track through 'NO HOBBY' land.

Best of luck on your next chapter......
Kit-4-Kat's Avatar
Ahhh, sounds like your well on your way to the "Peace & Love" you wish us all in every post. I'm happy for you. The hobby certainly isn't ALL there is to love in life & you've had plenty of experiences to stash away in the memory banks. lol

Take care & have FUN out there, Sweetie-pie!
  • E2
  • 12-29-2011, 08:37 AM
Peace out, BP. Always enjoyed your input.
Awww, you will be missed but I wish you the best!
Amrita Lover's Avatar
Good Luck, Buddy!