Fluent in the Hobby

I recently heard that you know you're learning a new language when you start dreaming in that language. Well, you'd never believe it but the other night I had a dream. I dreamed I was walking into church and looking for a seat. I sat behind some dude with platinum blonde hair and a white shirt. As the church service began, I kept noticing this guy look back at me as if he knew me (he looked familiar to me too). During the greeting time, he stood up, looked me directly in the eye, and said, "Magnetico- I didn't know you went to church. What are you doing here?" Turns out, as I saw him square up it was the Nature Boy Ric Flair, or per Austin Hobbyists avatars, Sixxbach. He turned to his right and tapped a woman on the shoulder with this outrageous pink hair who happened to be Maxine Monroe, and to her right was Marley Monroe,
double FF's and all Now I'm not sure what that means about us all meeting at church or whatever. Maybe i've been on eccie too long over the last couple of weeks. Lol. Just know that someone is dreaming about the hobby.
cckid2006's Avatar
To dream that you are inside a church suggests that you are seeking for spiritual enlightenment and guidance. You are looking to be uplifted in some way. Perhaps you have made some past mistakes which have set you back on your path toward your goals. With proper support, you will get on the right track again. Alternatively, the dream may also mean that you are questioning and debating your life path and where it is leading. You are reevaluating what you want to do. -

To see or dream that you are with a prostitute suggests that you are feeling sexually deprived or needy. Alternatively, the dream is commenting on how you wished that sexual relationships were more simple and straightforward.
