Calls Calls Calls and text at all hours

Hey guys there is something thats been bothering.

I know that there are ladies that work and accept calls 24/7.
I happen to NOT be one of them.
I always make sure that i place my hours and days that i will be available on my ad and ad the Days to my sig. line.

MY issue is that even after the notice of what times are ok to make contact by phone or by text i am still getting calls and text at Midnight and so on untill morning.
It drives me NUTS. I have a regular job that i have to be available for 24/7.

Does this bother anybody eles when it happens ? I do not respond to the calls or text I have a life outside of the hobby and i feel like that should be respected. If I say that i am available from 10am to whatever time say 9 then have respect and dont call or text untill 9am or 8pm and thats after you have sent your info .

Ladies , i know im not the only one .
Spill the beans ladies.
Simple solution: turn your ringer off when you don't want to be bothered.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Simple solution: turn your ringer off when you don't want to be bothered. Originally Posted by SweetMelody
Well maybe you missed the part where she said that she has a rl job that requires her to be available 24/7.


I personally dont advertise my phone number I only give it after screening and it helps for me.

Also google voice has a do not disturb option... this way you can still advertise your number but turn it off for when you are not working.

Hope this helps
Boltfan's Avatar
Jules is alive!
Guest091314's Avatar
The problem with me turning my ringer off is that I forget to turn it back on till im wondering if it is working...
I don't publish my phone number. And I only turn on my hobby phone when I have an appointment. So most of the time, my phone is OFF. I understand it is annoying to get calls/text at all hours like that. UGHGHGGH.!!!
Clouddancer's Avatar
Sounds like you need a separate phone.

It is rude for a guy to call at all hours expecting you to be available at a moments notice, especially if you don't advertise 24/7.

But I guess it is somewhat understandable. I mean you can't expect much brain power when confined to such a small package.
Try Google voice Kaci

Email only is an option as well.
Also google voice has a do not disturb option... this way you can still advertise your number but turn it off for when you are not working. Originally Posted by Jules Jaguar
Well maybe you missed the part where she said that she has a rl job that requires her to be available 24/7.

Irony and hypocrisy, they make the world go around.
Sounds like you need a separate phone.

It is rude for a guy to call at all hours expecting you to be available at a moments notice, especially if you don't advertise 24/7.

But I guess it is somewhat understandable. I mean you can't expect much brain power when confined to such a small package. Originally Posted by Clouddancer
What this person said +1
giasanto38ddd's Avatar
kaci I also have a reg job... so I use 2 phones and on my provider phone I have my hours on my VM and a msg saying if they want a call back to leave there number.
Jules Jaguar's Avatar
Well maybe you missed the part where she said that she has a rl job that requires her to be available 24/7.

Irony and hypocrisy, they make the world go around. Originally Posted by johnnylongcaulking
Let me break it down in simple terms although im sure kaci and anyone with half a brain undetstood what I meant , by turn off I meant activate the do not disturb option, that way her phone would be on but people calling her google voice number would hear a message that she was unavailable.
berkleigh's Avatar
Girl - I so feel you!

I can't remember the last time my phone rang so much as it did yesterday.

Calls, Texts and Emails about my new photos

Everything runs to my phone - My email, Texts and Google Voice

On Personal Family Business Yesterday, I was on the road to West Texas and lost signal often.

Gmail notified me that my PM box had filled with 61 NEW messages.
Not including p411 requests.
I tried to return each message and text but I did not answer any calls.

I really appreciate the all the love but wanted to throw the phone in the snow.

I was in the middle of tumbleweeds, cow shit and 32 degree weather picking up my mini me.

I am home now playing Barbies and catching up on emails lol
Kaci, why don't you check out some type of of online switchboard like ringcentral*dot*com. That should allow you the freedom to deliver calls to your cell number at only the hours you wish. Also turns voicemail messages into emails.

Don't know, but probably doesn't work with incoming texts. Might be worth looking into.

Regardless, tech is your best solution.
ElisabethWhispers's Avatar
Maybe I should check into that.

My issue is that guys will call me at 8+ PM and don't understand why I don't wish to jump up and run to my incall to have an appointment.

Case in point: Last night. I person who I have had a back and forth with called me at 8 PM. I wake up at 5:30 during school days and well, I keep a regular schedule.

I could have used the money but last night, I already had my nose in my Christmas book (Catherine the Great) and have one footsie already under the covers.

I didn't wish to get up. Face the cold. Get dressed, undressed and dressed again and get the incall warmed, up, etc. for this one appointment.

It was eight!!! The guy was upset and I was bothered by it but well, I declined the appointment almost feeling guilty about it. If he had called at 6 or earlier ... or anytime yesterday, meeting at 9 PM would have been fine.

I understand men wanting to see women at 1 AM. I do. But I hate it when guys will call and call and call several times when you don't answer the phone.

I'm like Kaci. I have real life obligations and I do have a second phone but I need this one on, too. It's a bitch to deal with.

You're not alone, btw!!!
