Your tax dollars at work.

But why? Munch. Why? Why don't we leave them alone. This is insane, the idea that we can bomb the world into happy capitalists. We need to do work here at home, and get out of the nation building business. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuyI don't advocate going to war with them. I merely pointed out that the critics don't fight in a war, we should let the other groups take the risks and bear the price of being in front, and that using drones and means other than boots on the ground were much cheaper in dollars and lives.
I think you've missed the hidden truth. Who is waiting in the wings to pick up the pieces in Syria? The same people who picked up the pieces in Egypt, Libya, and Tunisia; the Arab Brotherhood. Do I think Obama is an agent for the Arab Brotherhood? I don't think so but he does not see them as a threat like most Americans do. The same 1930s to 1950s leftists thought that the Soviet Union was not so bad either. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Okay, I will explain. Obama and his people have expressed no concern at the idea that the Muslim Brotherhood will take power in any number of countries. They see them as just another organization that can be bargained with. This was exactly the same attitude of the leftists in the 1930s, 40s, and 50s towards the Soviet Union. They didn't see any problem with the Soviet expansion and Obama sees no problem with the Muslim Brotherhood moving in. As for being hidden, do you see anyone really talking about it in the mainstream media. It may get a short mention but that's it. Originally Posted by JD BarleycornAwwww yes Vietnam was such a huge sucess. Had we lost that war we would all be Commies.
Okay, I will explain. Obama and his people have expressed no concern at the idea that the Muslim Brotherhood will take power in any number of countries. They see them as just another organization that can be bargained with. This was exactly the same attitude of the leftists in the 1930s, 40s, and 50s towards the Soviet Union. They didn't see any problem with the Soviet expansion and Obama sees no problem with the Muslim Brotherhood moving in. As for being hidden, do you see anyone really talking about it in the mainstream media. It may get a short mention but that's it. Originally Posted by JD BarleycornTruly, you folks don't know what you want to do....all you know is that whatever Obama is for, you have to be against. On the one hand, we should stay out of Syria's affairs....on the other hand, the scary Muslim Brotherhood must be stopped because they are like the boogeyman commies of old. Oi.....