Anyone remember me?

I was a regular on aspd raps. Had a bunch of reviews on there.
I've been in a relationship for a few years. So not active in the hobby.
I see a few names I still recognize here. I see lacrew_2000 is still around.:mf_la ughbounce2::smil eysex:
I haven't seen lacrew around lately. But there are still members from ASPD here.
I may be wrong, but seems like lacrew just disappear after he stopped moderating

Seems like most moderators "career" end in a smoke of dust ???

FS, don't let us down
Modda's Avatar
  • Modda
  • 12-30-2011, 02:32 PM

FS, don't let us down Originally Posted by vkmaster
tia travels's Avatar
Are you saying you're coming back into action?