PSE certainly doesn't mean, that just because someone enjoys certain fetishes or pleasure beyond the norm. That they're PSE. Far from it.
PSE is all about how folks portray themselves during said NORMAL sexual activities. Like fucking rough. Like they do in porn.
IE: Porn Star Experience= FAKE, scripted, rough mechanical actions.
Because there's not much outside of fucking rough, rough BBBJ, rough anal, that the porn stars do that make their sex any different or unique.
But yet one CAN still be GFE, and still fuck rough.
So PSE/GFE go pretty much hand in hand. It's all about how you partake of the ACTIONS during your sexual experience.
Now being uninhibited, which I am. Is FAR different than that of PSE.
TOTALLY two different meanings.
When you think of the terms GFE and PSE what comes to mind?
To me those terms are totally subjective. For instance
GFE to me means the girl strives to be the perfect Girl Friend material. She enjoys time cuddling kissing, BBBJ and all that good stuff you'd want your GF/SO to do without the BS.
PSE in my opinion is when the lady expands her horizons and performs out of the normally activities, in other words turns it up a notch and does things your GF/SO wouldn't think about like RIM,
Again those terms are totally subjective but lets hear what you all think.
Originally Posted by mojojo213