What to do? Where to go?

Hi there,

I will be visiting Iowa for about a week in a few months for my RL job and I'm looking for recommendations of cities to tour. I'm drawing a blank as to where to tour and would love any advice or opinions you may have to offer. Feel free to PM me as well.
reddecember's Avatar
Des Moines is where you want to cum. We are the capital city and have the best looking, and most generous guys. Don't let the boys in Cedar Rapids fool you. You will be take care of here.
Des Moines, Cedar Rapids and Sioux City are good to visit. I'd be very careful in Cedar Rapids though, as it has a rep with ladies for NOT being provider friendly. But, if you screen thoroughly, you should be fine.
Another vote for Des Moines!
Des Moines. You have great pics, awesome rearview. You might have to consider dropping your hourly rate to 250. 300 doesn't seem to fly around here no matter who you are.