*knock knock knock* Excuse me, Chipper? Can you help me understand something?

Could I please get an explanation on why my thread was locked? Even if it were a blatant threAD, haven't we heard from the admin/mods a million times that threADs are not against the rules? It wasn't an ad. I posted no pictures, services, availability, requests to come see me, contact methods, nothing. I asked for and was getting some really good advice. Yes, there were a couple of knuckleheads that nipped at me and I nipped back, but that's no reason to close a thread. No one was out of line, and I certainly don't think I was. I have no intention of posting an ad. I wanted to discuss how best to return to providing, but much much lower volume. I also wanted to say hi to some old friends. Just because "larrydumbass" (who seems to be a staunch Tara Evans supporter) wants to complain about it, isn't a reason to close my thread. I respectfully request that my thread be reopened, or someone PLEASE explain to me why Sable can post a blatant threAD about her website and it stay open (no judgment here, Sable, do your thing girl, just making a point), but my thread is closed. I can go gather many many more blatant threADs at LEAST as bad as my thread that remained open, if needed.

And before I get pointed for posting another thread, I'm pretty sure I read in the guidelines that I'm allowed to ask why any decision was made, publicly. Let me see.... Yes, here it is: "In cases where you would like to request additional clarity about a staff decision, you are free to pursue an answer in either a public forum or private means of communication. If handled publicly, post your inquiry in a respectful manner."

So, respectfully, why?

Oh, and while I'm waiting, I'd like to respectfully direct everyone's attention here: http://eccie.net/showthread.php?t=320362

Yeah, that's St. C telling me and everyone that I can post all the threADs I want. Thank you. ^_^
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
Exactly, and I reported that post in the thread as well.


Per St. Chris' own words- what chipper did was against ADMIN rules.


I believe someone posted a thread awhile back asking what is a threAD and if they were allowed.

Could use some more female participants in co-ed, hell someone has to keep up the Houston ladies, they always have threADS up....... and nobody says a thing, whats the difference between here and Houston.
pyramider's Avatar
Over zealous modtarding . . . Never . . .
KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
It's a God Complex

LovingKayla's Avatar
That has to be the nicest way I've ever seen someone ask the mods why they did something.
Bloodhound's Avatar
I love this kinda shit! Great questions.
Leave the mods alone, they have bigger things to do, like censoring Jules for calling out Tara's new fake handle.
Boo-ya! So very, very well said. Who agrees with me that a woman who can speak so eloquently and intelligently makes her even hotter?

I find it interesting that they consider it a threAD when she was clearly inquiring about how to get LESS clients/stay low volume.

I'm anxious to see how this will be handled by the mods...

KlassyKelliAnn's Avatar
It was an advice thread nothing more. ThreAD my ass. Some MODs are so quick to jump without even knowing the rules or even caring about them in the first place. Like I said before, it is a God-Complex. Give a small person with a big ego a little bit of power- they want to suddenly claim the creation of the Earth as their own and rule the world.

Over zealous modtarding . . . Never . . . Originally Posted by pyramider
Nope, never....

Could I please get an explanation on why my thread was locked? Originally Posted by tracibrooks
Nice Avatar <slurp> oh yeah, now back to your question.
When you create a Thread at 09:00 AM
(Copierguy0 starts work at 08:00 AM)
and it gets closed at 06:43 PM
(Copierguy0 gets home from work at 06:00 PM)
Checks mail, takes garbage out, and Has Dinner.

That does NOT give me enough time to add my .02 cents, therefore i am pissed at chipper and i agree with you traci, that he should re-open that threAD. lol oh yeah, back to your question traci, the answer is: Chipper did NOT want me to post in that thread and thats why he closed it before i could respond but, I knew you were too smart for him and started another thread titled KNOCK, KNOCK, KNOCK excuse me!!! lol That will fix his wagon.

Welcome Back Traci,
notdeadyet's Avatar
Aw, come on, guys and gals. Of course, Traci's original post was a threAD. But, so what? Many of threads started by providers could be put into that category.

Following up on Lisa's comment, and given Traci's cited link, my question is: Why is the threAD issue even an issue? why is there any need by anyone to argue whether something is or isn't a threAD?
Aw, come on, guys and gals. Of course, Traci's original post was a threAD. But, so what? Many of threads started by providers could be put into that category.

Following up on Lisa's comment, and given Traci's cited link, my question is: Why is the threAD issue even an issue? why is there any need by anyone to argue whether something is or isn't a threAD? Originally Posted by notdeadyet
Ok, so explain to me why Traci would need to post a threAD if she's looking to see LESS clients? Wouldn't an ad defeat the purpose of that? She was looking for advice, opinions, and letting everyone know she was back.
Agreed, the question about whether it is or is not a threAD is moot. The real point is, why was it closed? Please show me the rule that was broken, or where things got out of line? Any other mods want to reopen my thread, or are we all twiddling our thumbs until chipper decides to come back? I get that y'all might not want to step on his toes, so that's cool, we can wait. *sits down* I'd love to hear what he has to say.

In the meantime, Hi Everyone! *waves* Hugs and kisses and all that. And thank you ladies for your support. You were all pretty quick to back me up and that's super cool to see. Of course, I appreciate you too, boys.

<------- Look! Boobies!