I am fed up with these providers!

I have been coming to college station for awile now and i have a very good reputation an many good reviews. I have never ripped one person off. My friend Chanelle has many good reviews as well just because anothe provider got her confused with another girl doesnt mean that she has a bad rep. They got all of that straightend out. So when I call a local provider here to verify someone she tells me dont ever call her again because me an Chanelle are rip-offs. An then said its all over the boards that you two are ripping people off. There is not one thing on here or for any other town like that. I dont appreciate all these providers running their mouth an trying to ruin our reputation for no reason. We are all here for the same reason so dont get mad at us for taking your clients when we come into town. There is no reason to be rude.You need to get all of your facts staright before you say crazy stuff. You know who you are! An whats so funny is all your so called clients come an see me everytime I am in town so say what you want!
kalel030's Avatar
You don't rip us off by cash and dash you do it by giving old photos that hide how big you really are...Just saying!!

Brittany or Katie or whom ever you are today,

I dont mind giving references to providers. The issue is what I see online.

You rip guys off when you post fake pictures of yourself and have several different numbers to different ads. Its misleading and unprofessional to lure men only for them to be let down because its not the girl in the photo. Ive had several men tell me that you up charge. I have no issue with you, I simply just dont recommend you.

This is why I dont recommend you.






Best of Luck.

Please stop texting me nasty words.

Scorpion69's Avatar
Yes we are Fed up with providers that post fake pics that's just fraud to me. Why advertise with fake pics? That's bait and switch. Thats how they rip us off. we are gentleman or else we would say NO when the door opens that why some guys are not rude about it to say shit and turn it down.

Brittany or Katie or whom ever you are today,

I dont mind giving references to providers. The issue is what I see online.

You rip guys off when you post fake pictures of yourself and have several different numbers to different ads. Its misleading and unprofessional to lure men only for them to be let down because its not the girl in the photo. Ive had several men tell me that you up charge. I have no issue with you, I simply just dont recommend you.

This is why I dont recommend you.






Best of Luck.

Please stop texting me nasty words.

Thanks Originally Posted by arialemonde

Honey I really respect you from provider to provider but really sometimes things are better left unsaid you are a very cute bbw lady from your reviews it obvious you bcd are great but every time a man asks about another provider your google research etc. Lady stop you seem so cock blocking hate to be blunt just saying. I really feel it is kinda childish hun
really seems your always in drama. With another provider honey do not get to personal with your clients

I have no idea what your talking about. Drama is the last thing on my list. As far as me being in drama, no that is not the case.

As far as my post to Hott2trott, her post was directed at me and I was tired of the nasty text so I responded.

Yes I do post about other providers when guys ask about info, I will post what I find. My opinions are bias, Im only posting what I find. As far as "cock block hating" as you call it on other providers, no you have that wrong too. Unfortunately, there are far more bad apples then there are quality finds. I dont comment on everything but if I find it to be helpful, I dont mind helping out.

My posts have nothing to do with hating on other providers, Im sorry you see it that way.
When posting about other ladies, Im not coming from a place of competition or hate. Im giving info of whats reality so that guys can either have a great time or save themselves from either getting ripped off or worse.

I have valuable info just as anyone else who has contributed to this community. Im sorry you misunderstand this.
Ranchhand's Avatar
I appreciate any and all information that folks give on providers and clients. I like to see the good and the bad. If someone posts where it saves me money because they did some research that I didnt have time to do, then I thank them for it. As long as a person is reporting correct information then it is good for the whole board. Thanks Ranch