Photos of my Incall Boudoir

It's going to be different for me to be travelling in a few days to go to Dallas and work in a hotel room. I thought I'd share a few pix of my own boudoir incall here and show why I prefer it to a hotel room

Bathroom area where I do my special Spa Treatment for the men

Front view of bedroom
That is a beautiful place. I could definitely live there.
Naomi4u's Avatar
VERY nice! I have a huge canopy/princess bed in mine with the curtains and all but that bed looks super cool!
carkido45's Avatar
When I was younger it didn't really matter to me where I did it but as I'm older now I've come to appreciate a well done incall it adds to the ambiance of the session and raises the sexual fantasy to another level .
Big comfortable bed and nice high thread count sheet plus a fully stocked bathroom with toiletries for a man and big plush towels.
A women's touch in the bathroom and bedroom can also reveal a providers level professionalism.

Ava well done on your classy and erotic boudoir.
Roothead's Avatar
Yes it looks very nice and welcoming
burkalini's Avatar
Its very nice but as a guy I think it's way too girly. lol
Its very nice but as a guy I think it's way too girly. lol Originally Posted by burkalini

A guy told me " It's like gay decorator style" and I didn't disagree LOL.
Wow it speaks to what kind of taste of you.
Jed Clampett's Avatar
It's very nice. I always enjoy my time with a lady that much more when she provides a safe, clean incall.
It really helps to have elegance. It's just me, but I like lavish surroundings. Lighting candles and having soft music...incall has to have ambience IMHO.
Hey girl I really like your place! Nice and don't have too much fun in Texas Lol! It is girly but I still think its very classy.I have a different style in decorating...Kinda that Urban Modern art/Earthy stuff but very pretty : ) Maybe I will post sum pix of my incall sometime I never even thought about it.
Yes, it's definitely lavish! I dont think it says gay decorator by FAR! The armoire and dresser are both nice additions to the decor and the garden tub and stand alone shower are two of my favorite amenities in any quarters! One of the things I look for when booking hotels especially. LOL.
Nice. I particularly like the sleigh bed. And, of course, the spa has its possibilities, too.
Your decorating tastes are very inspirational.
