
Hercules's Avatar
Alcohol during a session is up to the participants obviously.

I'm a light weight drinker. When I do get a serious buzz going I'm told I'm a "fun" drunk by the ladies. However I've noticed that different types have different effects.

Beer-Makes me casual laid back cable-guy. Unfortunately to get a good buzz going I need to drink lots which means I'll spend more time peeing then humping.

Clear liquor- tequila, vodka. Me = Bulletproof porno star.

Dark liquor- whiskey, brandy. Headache that any physical activity sets off explosives in my temples. Even a mere hand job has me grabbing my head in pain.

Wine-sulfides are not my friend.

Champagne-despite it being sparkling wine it's like Viagra to me. Make it French bubbly and she better bring a friend (or two...or three....or four).

What are some of your poisons for naughty activity?
Tequila and Vodka....... :-)
Sybian mixed with a shot of Cialis.
Booze (four or more drinks) has the opposite effect on me...hello, Limp City.
One or two are OK...calms the nerves.
berkleigh's Avatar
Tequila and Vodka....... :-) Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
I love me some Patron ... but can't drink it anymore.

I promised after I turned 30, I was done with shots, but I've drank more tequila in the last 3 years than I did in my 2o's .... ahhh Good Times!

Since I've lost weight, part of my diet included cutting out beer.

I drink Cabernet Sauvignon often but I have become a Vodka Snob.

I am very faithful to Ciroc Vodka.
It comes in all flavors.
And I can only have about 2 glasses lol

I enjoy a glass of wine or a nightcap of Ciroc and cranberry with lime for sure

Hercules's Avatar
I love me some Patron ... but can't drink it anymore Originally Posted by berkleigh
I got tired of Patron. Kinda became the Michelob of tequilas. Now I'm hooked to Casa Noble.
pmdelites's Avatar
a big thanks to Fabulous Fawn for introducing me to Rosa Regale.
fruity sparkling wine from italy. about $20-25/bottle.

i've shared it w/ several consultants and no one has thrown it back at my face while saying "swill, i tell you, swill!!!"
Grey Goose goes well with any activity. Even church. I say, "hallelujah" more often.
A glass of one of my favorite red wines while my ATF enjoys an iced cold bottle or two of Smirnoff Black prior to BCD playtime. Oh, jeez, just "writing" about it gets my heart racing faster.....

By the way, speaking of wine....if anyone's sitting on a bottle or two of Chateau Joaquin Becot, 2001....and it's collecting dust; you know, just being a nuisance and getting in your way....I'm more than happy to take whatever you have off your hands.
Sleepy363's Avatar
I don't drink when I'm there for a session. I'm going to have to drive when the session is over and don't want to hit the road tipsy.
A nice glass or two of Riesling or Moscato makes me smile:-) I'm even more affectionate when I'm tipsy. More than two glasses might result in crybaby activity.. Lol.
Hercules's Avatar
I have feeling there will be a run on Liquor stores for Riesling and Moscato by tonight....
Hard liquor has me reaching for the Tums.
Glass of two of Chardonnay is my way of mellowing out. Any more than that and I'm reaching for the Cialis.
JohnJohn's Avatar
A nice glass or two of Riesling or Moscato makes me smile:-) I'm even more affectionate when I'm tipsy. More than two glasses might result in crybaby activity.. Lol. Originally Posted by Reese Foster
I very rarely drink, 2 or 3 times a year, but must admit to a love for Moscato. It would be even more intoxicating if only tasted in a symphony of Reese Foster kisses.
TexTushHog's Avatar
I enjoy a few glasses of a really good wine, a shot of a great whiskey, or a glass of great Cognac or Armagnac. But I've never much enjoyed mixing my drinks with sex. Neither one seems to complement the other, from my standpoint. To each his own.
darkchoc6's Avatar
I gotta admit that dark liquor is like viagra to me. I usually take a shot or two, on a couple of ice cubes, an hour or so before my appointment. Depending on how good the session is, I can actually cum and stay hard.

Beer runs through me and I piss more than I breathe, though I can't drink beer anymore.

In order for me to drink any type of white liquor, I have to mix it with something.

The key for me though is to not drink too much so I end up with limp dick. That is the worst feeling to me because once I wake up from passing out, I am horny as all get out.