PC going way too far

BigLouie's Avatar
It does not matter if you are liberal or conservative I think you will agree with me that this is absolutely the stupidest thing ever.

Sensitivity and political correctness regarding the names of athletic teams has officially reached a ridiculous peak.

KSTU-TV in Utah reports that a new high school's hope to call its team the Cougars was rejected because . . . wait for it . . . the Victorian-minded members of the school board thought it would be offensive to some middle-aged women.

UPDATE: A copy of the board's minutes was forwarded to USAToday. It notes that there were many calls and emails from parents and others opposing Cougars, in part because of "the negative double entendre of the word 'cougar.' "
Fast Gunn's Avatar
English like other most other languages is a living language and the history of any language is involved in abducting the meanings of words from one sense to another as languages keep evolving.

Johnny Carson in a famous episode once had a lady guest talking about her dogs.

When he asked her if that was the bitch and she turned red.

"What's the matter?" Johnny asked her, "haven't you heard of that word?"

. . . "Well, yes, she responded, "but not applied to a dog!"

As for me, I believe the Cougar's nickname has a nice little ring to it!