5 Star Service System ? ?

Gucci's Avatar
  • Gucci
  • 01-22-2012, 08:03 AM
I was brainstorming and wondered, wouldn't it be nice if we could have a five star system here. I know we have the Yes or No recommendation but there what about the times when a guy is greates by a provider that looks different than her pics but she gives a great BJ or if she's cute but farts when she laughs. Take this review for example. http://www.eccie.net/showthread.php?t=356578 now the recommendation is Yes but in all actuality it might fall under two or three stars with a Yes and to make sure one bad rating doesn't stick forever, let them start over every six months that way a three star provider may be a five star provider by the fall.

Just a thought, please don't flame me
pyramider's Avatar
As long as they check my oil its all good.
To the OP: this may belong in the Feedback forum.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
In a perfect world that would work, however just because someone didn't click they would possibly give a lower rating even if they were provided top notch service.
Just like a restaurant, if the critic ordered steak but favors chicken, its not going to be as good to him, but a steak lover would rave about it. Plus the critic may have no credentials to rate someone, he could be your run of the mill dumbass not qulified to judge someone there by ruining a girls good reputation
In a perfect world that would work, however just because someone didn't click they would possibly give a lower rating even if they were provided top notch service.
Just like a restaurant, if the critic ordered steak but favors chicken, its not going to be as good to him, but a steak lover would rave about it. Plus the critic may have no credentials to rate someone, he could be your run of the mill dumbass not qulified to judge someone there by ruining a girls good reputation Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
To put it a little more crudely and not miss the obtuse guys here: If you're looking for Greek, anal play, BDSM, and hard CBT, and she's a "vanilla" GFE provider, the rating is going to be skewed. Is SNL says in a perfect world you'd be comparing apples to apples, but every guy is unique in his likes and every lady is unique in her offerings.
shorty's Avatar
To put it a little more crudely and not miss the obtuse guys here: If you're looking for Greek, anal play, BDSM, and hard CBT, and she's a "vanilla" GFE provider, the rating is going to be skewed. Is SNL says in a perfect world you'd be comparing apples to apples, but every guy is unique in his likes and every lady is unique in her offerings. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
This is where a rating system would have to be defined on what services would rate where. Might could even separate the reviews and rating system into a GFE and a Hardcore GFE. Only difference would be the Hardcore GFE would offer Greek Play, some Bondage, and BBFS. Consider the Hardcore GFE as the step above GFE.

There is another site that uses a rating system based off of services. The more you provide in service the higher the rating. Its not widely used down in the South but its kinda popular on the East/West Coast. Some ladies think that's the review to have when your on the East/West Coast and so their willing to provide more service to get that review.
CarolinaGent's Avatar
The ratings systems that factor in services are lame IMHO. A provider should not be penalized for not offering greek, etc. Plus a provider should not be rewarded with points for just for services offered. If they have no skills, why should it matter if they offer greek, or are bi etc.
pyramider's Avatar
That ranking system is what TER uses. BS rating system for a bs SHMB.
That ranking system is what TER uses. BS rating system for a bs SHMB. Originally Posted by pyramider
yes with TER it is nearly impossible to give a girl a 10/10 score unless she meets the 10/10 criteria which mostly is certain sex acts and stuff like that.

I like the ECCIE system, it's uncomplicated: Would you recommend them to the Eccie-sphere or not?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-22-2012, 11:55 AM
I don't think a 1 through 5 system is evil, but I don't know that it would be all that useful either. It will always be very subjective.

I find the words and descriptions (and I don't mean in a graphic way) to be the most important parts of a review. Mood, personality, accuracy of photos, attitude, the feeling walking out the door, etc.
  • Paven
  • 01-22-2012, 11:56 AM
That ranking system is what TER uses. BS rating system for a bs SHMB. Originally Posted by pyramider

If you ask me smh
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-22-2012, 12:01 PM
. A provider should not be penalized for not offering greek, etc. . Originally Posted by CarolinaGent
I agree...

I dick in the ass is penalty enough!