what do you think when a provider contacts you?

I wonder about this a provider contacting a gentlemen do you guys think she is trying to make a buisness connection?I send messages but they are always about a post and nothing more but I am sure there are some who make contact in hopes of getting a visit...what do you guys think?
pyramider's Avatar
I might get lucky . . .
I might get lucky . . . Originally Posted by pyramider
shorty's Avatar
I wonder about this a provider contacting a gentlemen do you guys think she is trying to make a buisness connection?I send messages but they are always about a post and nothing more but I am sure there are some who make contact in hopes of getting a visit...what do you guys think? Originally Posted by Irish Vixen

Depends on how the message was presented. If its one of those messages that say something like "I'm going to be in town Xday and I hope that we can meet up again", then I'm more likely to pass on her. If a provider keeps in contact in between her visits, then I'm more likely to see her.
I'm waiting for SL's answer.
taking notes...
countryfried's Avatar
A good customer service approach would be to reach out with a introduction, friendly and approachable is the way to go.
shorty's Avatar
A good customer service approach would be to reach out with a introduction, friendly and approachable is the way to go. Originally Posted by countryfried
Just don't approach someone cold turkey with a Spam Email. That's a big turn off and makes it sound like you need the business.
geecue's Avatar
Just as long as she has been in contact with me in between visits do not mind and have not minded. Sometimes a lady that is touring will contact me when she is in town or coming back into town.
I have ladies that I have seen before, contact me to let me know they were going to be in my area. I have no problem with that.
pyramider's Avatar
I'm waiting for SL's answer. Originally Posted by Shayla
When a provider contacts him its usually a NSNC situation. The question is what will her excuse be? Wagon train held up? The store did not have his type of diapers? What will the excuse be . . .
I personally always maintain email contact in between visits I like the personal touch but when i contact a gentleman here is always to comment on a post and not in hopes of setting something up...but that is just me...
Outdoorsman's Avatar
All depends on the message. Some women do contact me after I post something, but that is just to say why she liked or disagreed with my position. I just see it as friendly conversation.

I have gotten the messages of I'm in town and would like a visit but I ignore them, no big deal. Her ad has to catch my eye, reality is she does not know me from anyone else on this board so no I do not beleive she is coming to my town to visit with me, lol.

I also get messages asking me about which part of town or where to eat while travelling ladies are in my area. I repsond politley and give suggestions and once in while when the banter is done she will leave with a little "Hope to see you while I am in town!" Does nothing for me, though and I have never booked with one, not saying I would not, just have not up to this point.

This morning I had a lady email me she was coming out of retirement, I know it was a mass email and that is fine. I have spoken on the phone recently with this lady and I will more than likely book with her. But we have talked and emailed and txt while she was in retirement not extensively, but there is some banter going back and forth. She is a nice lady.

There are ladies here that if they sent me a PM she was coming to town I would book.
  • MrGiz
  • 01-22-2012, 11:07 AM
I don't mind a traveling girl I have seen before, letting me know she will be passing thru my area. In fact... a few will do that with their known clients in an attempt to stay off the boards... not a bad idea for trying to fly below LE's radar!
cumalot's Avatar
I have recently been getting unsolisited e-mails from 2 retired providers that I have told them long ago that I wasn't interested in seeing them, yet they keep insisting that we meet up for a session, now its gone to IM's and PM's. I'm feel like I'm being stalked and I'm hoping they lost my phone number. I wish I new how to handle this situation, any suggestions would be helpful. pm me if you want. Sorry if I hijacked your thread I V....