A thread for the Paterno haters .....and liars. Have at it Bitchs!

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  • 01-23-2012, 05:38 PM
Show some class boys and girls....do your hating in this thread.
The man did some incredibly good things, and he deserves credit for those things.

The whole thing makes me want to puke.....But, I've got a question: if you get an eyewitness report from one of your co-employees, or if you are the boss, one of your employees....that another one of your employees or co-employees is ass-banging a ten year-old boy in the shower of the locker-room you're running....do you kick that one upstairs for review or,do you call the cops? And then, if you've made the decision to kick it upstairs and still, nothing happens and nobody calls the cops to check this shit out, do you just forget about it? Or, do you call the cops?

He got old. He made a bad decision. If it had been a normal bad decision, then so be it. But, this appears to be a bad decision of monster proportions. By making that decision, he enabled this Sandusky guy to continue on and molest a bunch of other kids. No matter what good he did, shouldn't get a pass on this. What if you were the parent of one of those kids that this Sandusky guy was molesting and it happened after Paterno had been told about this shit? Think you might be a little bit pissed?
pyramider's Avatar
The kids apparently are not the victims in this, just JoePa. That is what makes me sick about the whole thing.
Well Said, Timpage.
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  • 01-23-2012, 06:51 PM
. What if you were the parent of one of those kids that this Sandusky guy was molesting and it happened after Paterno had been told about this shit? Think you might be a little bit pissed? Originally Posted by timpage

Joe Paterno is a FOOTBALL COACH not a COP.

He told the proper authorities.

If the proper authorities did not do THEIR job, I would be pissed at them. Not some 80 year old FOOTBALL COACH that was told a watered down version of what went on and then reported it to his BOSS.

God Damn, I wish just one of you could tell the story correctly. We may still disagree but at least we disagree after having the correct facts.

Do you let you kids do overnights with coach"s. I sure the fuc wouldn't.
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  • 01-23-2012, 07:01 PM
The kids apparently are not the victims in this, just JoePa. That is what makes me sick about the whole thing. Originally Posted by pyramider
They were all victims you dumbass.

The problem is with folks like you trying to blame the wrong people.

Nobody is blaming the kids or saying they are not victims but if I had to blame somebody beside Jerry Sandusky it would be the parents before Paterno.

I blame neither but if I had to blame a person that was not responsible, like you seem to want to do....
pyramider's Avatar
Again with the name calling. What is your problem?
Joe Paterno is a FOOTBALL COACH not a COP.

He told the proper authorities.

If the proper authorities did not do THEIR job, I would be pissed at them. Not some 80 year old FOOTBALL COACH that was told a watered down version of what went on and then reported it to his BOSS.

God Damn, I wish just one of you could tell the story correctly. We may still disagree but at least we disagree after having the correct facts.

Do you let you kids do overnights with coach"s. I sure the fuc wouldn't. Originally Posted by WTF
How do you "water-down" a story like this one? Sandusky was only waving his cock at one of the 10 year olds as opposed to sticking it in his ass?

I am pissed at the "proper authorities" but under these circumstances, when it appears that one of Paterno's coaches told him that Sandusky was boning 10 year olds in the Penn State locker room, what the fuck difference does it make if he was 30 or 80? If you can't figure out that shit is wrong and needs to be reported to the proper authorities, then you're a fucking idiot. And, if you can't figure out that the "proper authorities" are not handling it properly, then you go above the "proper authorities" and you report it to the press. The reality is that he was protecting the program, and his legacy. Understandable if you are a football lunatic who thinks football transcends life, like Paterno would. But, still wrong.
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  • 01-23-2012, 07:38 PM
How do you "water-down" a story like this one? Sandusky was only waving his cock at one of the 10 year olds as opposed to sticking it in his ass?

I am pissed at the "proper authorities" but under these circumstances, when it appears that one of Paterno's coaches told him that Sandusky was boning 10 year olds in the Penn State locker room, what the fuck difference does it make if he was 30 or 80?

My Dad is 82, he should not be coaching a college football team nor investigating the sexual assault of a child. Is that to fucking hard to understand?

If you can't figure out that shit is wrong and needs to be reported to the proper authorities, then you're a fucking idiot.

It was reported to the proper authorities. I am not 80 years old nor an idiot. The proper authorities dropped the ball. That is why they are charged. Not Paterno.

And, if you can't figure out that the "proper authorities" are not handling it properly, then you go above the "proper authorities" and you report it to the press.

Maybe an 80 year old man thought he had reported it to the proper authorities and was letting them do their job. Abviously with hindsight we'd all be perfect.

The reality is that he was protecting the program, and his legacy.

That is your reality. He would have covered it up if that were the case.

Understandable if you are a football lunatic who thinks football transcends life, like Paterno would. But, still wrong. Originally Posted by timpage
I like football but I hated Penn St. growing up , Was a Longhorn fan but with age I have come to respect certain traits in great people. Paterno sured seemed to be one of those folks. Nothing to do with football. Football is just a stupid game....
I like football but I hated Penn St. growing up , Was a Longhorn fan but with age I have come to respect certain traits in great people. Paterno sured seemed to be one of those folks. Nothing to do with football. Football is just a stupid game.... Originally Posted by WTF
I'm thinking you can't read.

I'm glad your dad made it to 82. You're right, he shouldn't be coaching a football team or heading up this kind of shit til that age. Does Joe get a pass because he was too stupid to get that?

Sounds like he reported it to the proper authorities. When the allegations are that a 10 year old got fucked in the ass and the "proper authorities" don't do anything about it, maybe it's time the "proper authorities" were exposed to public investigation?

He did cover it up dumbass. By not reporting it to the proper authorities. Tell me what your reaction would have been if it was your 10 year old taking it up the ass from Sandusky.
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  • 01-23-2012, 08:20 PM
I'm thinking you can't read.

And I'm thinking you are talking out your ass...

I'm glad your dad made it to 82. You're right, he shouldn't be coaching a football team or heading up this kind of shit til that age. Does Joe get a pass because he was too stupid to get that?

The board at Penn St should all have their ass in a crack over that. Who leaves an 85 year old man in charge? Then they want to blame him for actually reporting it to his Boss and his Boss not doing his job.

Sounds like he reported it to the proper authorities. When the allegations are that a 10 year old got fucked in the ass and the "proper authorities" don't do anything about it, maybe it's time the "proper authorities" were exposed to public investigation?

They have been. That is who is charged. Do you know anything about the case. About the chain of command?

He did cover it up dumbass. By not reporting it to the proper authorities.

He did report it to his Boss, just like he was suppossed to.

Tell me what your reaction would have been if it was your 10 year old taking it up the ass from Sandusky. Originally Posted by timpage
It would question myself for not being there to protect my son. I believe in personal responbility, not some God Damn Nanny state.

Now here is what happened. Or a version of what happened. It is not so black and white as you seem to think but then , you just react, you do not research things before spouting off.


That is when McQueary told Dr. Jonathan Dranov, a family friend and colleague of McQueary's father, that he had heard "sex sounds" and a running shower before a young boy peered around the corner of the shower's stall, the Harrisburg, Pa., newspaper reported Sunday morning, citing a source with knowledge of Dranov's testimony before the grand jury that brought the charges.
McQueary, a receivers coach who remains on administrative leave, said he then saw an adult arm reach around the boy's waist and pull him out of view, Dranov told the grand jury, according to the newspaper's source.
Sandusky left the shower in a towel seconds later, the report said.
Because McQueary said he hadn't personally witnessed an assault, Dranov said he advised McQueary to report the incident to his superiors at Penn State, but that he shouldn't worry about informing the police, the report said.
Ousted coach Joe Paterno has said he was never told of anything such as rape or molestation about what happened in the shower stall. Paterno and McQueary discussed the matter the next day
Seriously? And if it was your ten your old boy that was involved in all that? You're OK with the way Paterno handled the information that was given to him? Fuck you if the answer is anything other than "No".
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  • 01-23-2012, 08:35 PM
Seriously? And if it was your ten your old boy that was involved in all that? You're OK with the way Paterno handled the information that was given to him? Fuck you if the answer is anything other than "No". Originally Posted by timpage
Nobody handled it perfect but Paterno has caught all the shit and was one that passed the info on. I am not happy with how his bosses handled it. They have been charged as they should have been.

Paterno should not have been charged and wasn't.

I have already told you my 10 yr old would not be put in that situtation. Please tell me you are not dumb enough to have your kids being tutored by others...

First pyramider pisses on a RIP thread and now you twist my words.
when it appears that one of Paterno's coaches told him that Sandusky was boning 10 year olds in the Penn State locker room Originally Posted by timpage
Repeating a lie again and again is one of the oldest tricks, and only reflects on the liar.
The Paterno "Situation" is WTF's defining issue. He's open and contributed to many more threads than any other issue in his history both here and at ASPD .

What's up? Time to go to confession WTF. I don't believe the whole overwrought "innocent until proven guilty" angle.