Guys do Fake Reviews for $$ now!!

  • Sonja
  • 01-27-2012, 01:32 AM
Apparently you Guys are learning to make Money from the escort business , from the comfort your own home, email received:
From: ****** Staff edit, no personally identifying info. CC
Date: Jan 25, 2012 7:52 PM
Subject: Review on TER
To: [email***@****.com[/email]

Hello, I write professionally written reviews on TER - The Erotic Review. My reviews are written in such a way, that you will get more clients. You simply complete a short form for me to tell me more about yourself, I write the review, I post it, and your phone starts to ring more. Most clients don't write reviews and even if they or you wanted to write one -- it takes experience to get a review to actually get posted without being banned by the TER staff. A lot of my time goes into this so it certainly isn't cheap but is highly worth it. The investment that you make with this will pay off very quickly. Each post is $69 and discounts are available for pre-paid packages of 10, 20, and 30. Please let me know if you are interested and I could send the online form to you.
Wow. Fail.
I thought giving free sex for a review was pathetic. Paying for one? Good God.
dont they smart ones just try blackmail?
  • Sonja
  • 01-27-2012, 02:04 AM
I'm not sure anyone is paying, the incredulity is in the offering... You see, men cannot resist getting 'involved' in the business or the profits, one way or another. They cant keep their greedy hands out of it. They will weasel their way in somehow.
ehh,..... if my little head says GO! I go..
Chica Chaser's Avatar
$69 bucks. Clever and original, bet he worked hard to come up with that price.
That's just sad
  • Sonja
  • 01-27-2012, 02:49 AM
I wonder why we cant personally identify this guy, I mean ....just to qualify, I did do it openly. He is a traitor and a scammer, on both girls and the guys. We out women who are LE, and Bad Clients, why not this one and shut him down? Rhetorical question, put it in the men's or whatever, I dont care what you do, I just want it to be known, this was a real email.
$69 bucks. Clever and original, bet he worked hard to come up with that price. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser

Yeah that took a lot of thought.

Actually I am not too surprised at this though. I've had guys offer to write 'stellar' reviews in return for say, BBFS. Now what makes them think I don't get good reviews on MY OWN without having to resort to that?! But just sayin...and the opposite would be a guy who threatens to write a bad review if you don't 'do' what he tells you to do.
Chica Chaser's Avatar
I wonder why we cant personally identify this guy, I mean ....just to qualify, I did do it openly. He is a traitor and a scammer, on both girls and the guys. We out women who are LE, and Bad Clients, why not this one and shut him down? Rhetorical question, put it in the men's or whatever, I dont care what you do, I just want it to be known, this was a real email. Originally Posted by Sonja
Sonja, the rules around here prohibit posting email addresses, names, phone numbers, etc by others. This person would be welcome to come here and post that info himself but we cannot allow someone else to post it for him.
#9 - No form of private communications between members are to be posted in our forums. This includes the contents of emails, PMs, IMs, private chat logs, privately shared images, etc. This is an invasion of another's privacy and will not be allowed.
Since this is not another member here we can post the information, without the personal info.

Reverse the situation, if another website posted up your ad or your threads from Eccie with all of your contact info intact, I imagine most ladies would not appreciate that. In fact we have had many threads where that does happen and the practice is universally disliked.

We can talk about the email and make all the fun of it we want, we just can't have the personal info on our site.
I got that e-mail as well.
I'm not sure anyone is paying, the incredulity is in the offering... You see, men cannot resist getting 'involved' in the business or the profits, one way or another. They cant keep their greedy hands out of it. They will weasel their way in somehow. Originally Posted by Sonja
You either need to screen better or start hanging out with a better class of gentleman!!
offshoredrilling's Avatar
I'm not sure anyone is paying, the incredulity is in the offering... You see, men cannot resist getting 'involved' in the business or the profits, one way or another. They cant keep their greedy hands out of it. They will weasel their way in somehow. Originally Posted by Sonja
I would be ok if he wrote ads for providers with his greedy hands. Many providers really could use the help.

As to fake reviews done by him. I bet they are better the most of the fake reviews done by providers greedy hands.
Yeah that took a lot of thought.

Actually I am not too surprised at this though. I've had guys offer to write 'stellar' reviews in return for say, BBFS. Now what makes them think I don't get good reviews on MY OWN without having to resort to that?! But just sayin...and the opposite would be a guy who threatens to write a bad review if you don't 'do' what he tells you to do. Originally Posted by alluringava

Alluringava, I second that

Naomi4u's Avatar
This is the same guy I've asked to stop spamming me. He is VERY rude. Oh well. Too bad I don't use one of those free emails - Roundcube won't let me block his email address .