Verified Provider Status

Hello I do apologize for bothering but I am a little confused. A little over a week ago I registered on this web site. I have seen a few hobbiest and have had reviews for quite some time however not until recently did I formally asked for Verified Provider Status. I did notice that it is posted that the usual process takes anywhere from 24 to 48 hours. Therefore I am not sure if I followed the correct format and thats why I am writing now. Please accept my apology I understand that u are busy however this is a very important matter. I must admit that I am fairly new to this business therefore am somewhat lost I would like to ask for Verified Provider Status as well as change some information. I understand that moderators may make corrections to my profile. When first review was posted I gave an email address which was tied to my personal life. I would like to ask that this may be corrected my new email address is if possible I would also like to change my profile name to sexynsassy. I am sincerly looking forward to all parties involved to have mutual benefitting relationship. I look forward to providing my community with clean consentual conversation and fun. I also would like to take this opportunity to Thank You for your time. Sincerely SS Yvonne 1/27/12
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  • Mokoa
  • 01-28-2012, 11:19 PM
Your information has already been forwarded to the Admins. Once they set you up you will be notified.