Hobbyist amd provider demographics?

pinchy's Avatar
Im curious as to what age range and marital status most hobbyist are at.

Keep in mind I dont want people to state their info in the thread but would like some guesstimates from folks that have been part of this subculture for a while.

From what little tidbits Ive gathered from providers ive seen it seems the majority of hobbyist are married and over the age of 40. Would that be accurate? I imagine its all moot since it probably follows the curve of people in general. Arent the majority of people married or been married once past 30?

Would be cool to see a breakdown of men by age 20-30,30-40,etc
and married,single,divorced,w/kids etc.

From my own observations and guesstimates for providers ages it seems like theres a hump at 20-24 then another around 30 and another around 40. Someone could probably whip up a script to extract the info from the websites.
Naomi4u's Avatar
I'm 22 (real age not hooker age lol)
Most of the guys I've seen are 40 and up and they're married.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Married & average age of 50

wow SNL that does pretty much sum it up

I think the demographics of providers in America would vary a lot more than those of hobbyist.

I'm 22.5 as of a few days ago.
Naomi4u's Avatar
Im curious as to what age range and marital status most hobbyist are at.

Keep in mind I dont want people to state their info in the thread but would like some guesstimates from folks that have been part of this subculture for a while.

From what little tidbits Ive gathered from providers ive seen it seems the majority of hobbyist are married and over the age of 40. Would that be accurate? I imagine its all moot since it probably follows the curve of people in general. Arent the majority of people married or been married once past 30?

Would be cool to see a breakdown of men by age 20-30,30-40,etc
and married,single,divorced,w/kids etc.

From my own observations and guesstimates for providers ages it seems like theres a hump at 20-24 then another around 30 and another around 40. Someone could probably whip up a script to extract the info from the websites. Originally Posted by pinchy

Ooh and I forgot one more thing -- exactly how would we know if this survey was accurate since soooo many providers lie about their age. I know of a provider that has been 21/22 for soo many years (she will tell people one age and put another age on her ads). I used to lie that I was older when I first started then quickly learned that guys loved the youngins just as much.
Married & average age of 50

Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
SNL, does this graph take into account "hooker" age?? Or real age....as you know, some ladies do shave a little and some ladies have been the same age for 5 years, or so....just askin'....
Naomi4u's Avatar
SNL, does this graph take into account "hooker" age?? Or real age....as you know, some ladies do shave a little and some ladies have been the same age for 5 years, or so....just askin'.... Originally Posted by Ed Highlight

It's funny and they think we don't know that they lie about their age.
There are lots of hot ladies at ALL ages - why lie?
For the OP: I REALLY AM 26 (FRESH 26, EDay is in October), and I've only seen one client that was under 40 (35). The majority of my clients have been 40+ and married. Some say they aren't (like it matters), but I can see the ring lines, lol.

Ooh and I forgot one more thing -- exactly how would we know if this survey was accurate since soooo many providers lie about their age. I know of a provider that has been 21/22 for soo many years (she will tell people one age and put another age on her ads). I used to lie that I was older when I first started then quickly learned that guys loved the youngins just as much. Originally Posted by ZarahAdams
I am BUSTING UP over here! I stepped into the hobby 2 months before I turned 26, but, I've never felt the need to lie and say I was younger. I get carded EVERYWHERE I go. On my recent trip to Vegas, I almost wanted to pin my ID to my collar because I got so tired of having to take it out everywhere I went. Now, I will admit that I used to lie about my age when I turned 16. I would tell guys that I was 17 going on 18, lol. I've never dated guys my age. I lied so that the older guys I wanted to date wouldn't be scared away.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
SNL, does this graph take into account "hooker" age?? Or real age....as you know, some ladies do shave a little and some ladies have been the same age for 5 years, or so....just askin'.... Originally Posted by Ed Highlight
No Ed...I was unable to locate a hooker chart lol.

+1 with Zarah,no need to lie, there's someone for everyone

My attitude is that of an oversexed middle schooler. Does that count?
I'm older than dirt!
pyramider's Avatar
No one is old in the hobby . . . but there are those that were around when the earth still had the new car smell on it.
I'm considered middle age so most men I see are Baby Boomers, which I prefer, men from age 50-65. Most men in that age bracket are married. Men in their 30's 40's tend to be divorced or single and I'd say that about 60 % are single/divorced. The oldest client I had was 85, and the youngest was 18.

I love older guys. Just sayin'.
I'm 22 (real age not hooker age lol)
Most of the guys I've seen are 40 and up and they're married. Originally Posted by ZarahAdams
Zarah(and beautiful women of the world, such as Alluring Ava, etc.), you are a peaceMAKER. Think of it this way. LE are "keepers of the peace". How? That gun on the side of their belly. That gun keeps a lot of people at bay. "Married men" are jovial, happy and much more "peaceful" at home once they've been with you (you've MADE their day). The wives benefit from not having to argue, fight, etc. with a sexually frustrated husband because you "rocked" his world, and he's lived his dream of being with a sexy, beautiful and delectable woman for the hours he was with you!

Hobbyists who provide "good dick"/experience are HOLDERS of said "peace". Allowing providers to experience "good dick" every once in a while, keeps you from slapping that idiot who is rude, not clued in, bad hygiene, etc. well, you know, all the things providers have to put up with. Or even preventing a worse case scenario from happening, using CFMs to stomp a mudhole in some idiot. LOL

Hobbyland keeps "PEACE" in the world...just my perspective

OP Q: I think in hobbyland, you'll find that hobbyists are like women in real life...we don't tell our age. We are very protective of our identities as we have much to lose. That statement should in itself tell you a lot (regarding age, economic status, etc.). What I have found is that providers get so much better with age (so long as they take good care of themselves physically, emotionally, financially, etc.). When I see a female at 22 who has everything you want in a woman, like Zarah, it only makes me wonder, "oh shit, what is she going to be like at 28, 35, 43". OMG. Now, that is HOT!
Naomi4u's Avatar
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Mijo I missed you. You make me smile. Thank you