Wheather... national refers to the small or large scale, ( ie, triangular yard stick vs Aero photography vs classroom MAP ) matters not. Everyone, everywhere, all over.. THE GALAXY.. for that matter, has issues with rubber and steel belts. White walls seem to be allright when they skirt you from point a to b, but when they are on your walls, you seem to always want to alter them.
I wonder how many folks look at tires the way I do.
(pause for the veiwing)
This self searching thought pattern brings me to my POINT. When the Tire makers ( pretend we are talking law makers ) govern how far you will drive on you new treads.. and they govern your shock pattern or your turn ratio or your stop ABILITY...
does it not irritate you ? even a little bit ?
I mean think about it. Pirelli and michelin and good year and whoever else rolls you to your safe dwelling or your DINNER AT THE Y .. or your abode in the snow... HAS COMPLETE CONTROL over your ability to arive safely.
I won't bring up people soft of any of those sensored issues.. ; for they are verbitten. But just assume that you were being screwed by what you believe about the TIRE you drive on.
What would you do ? would you start your own tire company ? And then maybe in a desperate attempt.. succumb to the remote controllers of the universe and opt to partner with them ? or would you roll on your own rubber and keep keeping on in hopes that some other outter boxed souls would join your REAL RUBBER crusade.. and they would buy your tires ?
WHAT WOULD YOU DO.. AND AT WHAT POINT WOULD YOU THROW IN YOUR WAY... in exchange for the easy way to mansion hood ?
I just need to know.
America is the land of the free. The home of the brave. That's what I was always taught. But where I exist... I can't see even a flicker of freedom or self directions. I speak for myself. Who do you speak for ?
think about it.