Ruling on Contraception Draws Battle Lines at Catholic Colleges

I personally think no one should get to be exempt from this under the guise of "religious freedom". This so called "religious freedom" has put their foot on the neck of every woman who has needed contraceptive pills (and not just for prevention of pregnancy). When someones religious beliefs interfere with my right as a woman to get access to contraception pills or otherwise then they are the ones interfering with my personal freedoms and rights. By the way "Despite Catholic teachings, surveys have found that 98 percent of sexually active Catholic women, as in the general population, have used contraceptives".
I B Hankering's Avatar

I personally think no one should get to be exempt from this under the guise of "religious freedom". This so called "religious freedom" has put their foot on the neck of every woman who has needed contraceptive pills (and not just for prevention of pregnancy). Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
Obama is attempting to violate a major tenet of the First Amendment. You are not 'required' to deal with the Catholic Church, so feel free to exercise your 'rights' somewhere else.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
Obama is attempting to violate a major tenet of the First Amendment. You are not 'required' to deal with the Catholic Church, so feel free to exercise your 'rights' somewhere else. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
well put.

no one is forced to go to the Catholic-based hospitals, there are alternatives elsewhere.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Gotta go with IB on this one. The government should have no role in how a religion conducts itself. And vice versa. I have always wondered why people waste their time trying to reform the Catholic faith. If you don't like what they believe and/or practice, find another church, start your own, or quit altogether.

This does not mean that government should not cooperate with the church in areas of common interest. Just don't interfere with the inner workings.
They should not be exempt to provide it due to their religious beliefs and impose it on others. This is a medical case for birth control and they are subject to the same health care laws as everyone else. Just as I do not believe in religious organizations getting tax exemptions where other organizations cannot get those same tax exemptions solely based on the fact that they have a "religion". I personally am tired of funding other peoples religions via skirting taxes and imposing their beliefs on the general populace by noncompliance of the laws.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Well, ok then. Let's repeal the First Amendment to the Constitution, and have at it. If you want the truth, that is how it will change. Or go to a different hospital. Geez.

The truth also is that the Catholics don't need to sponsor hospitals. If government were to force them to perform services that violated their faith, they will just shut down. Wouldn't that be better for everybody?

We waste too much time telling each other what we can and can't do. There are other options available. Use them.

And I am NOT a Catholic, nor do I play one on TV.
I B Hankering's Avatar
They should not be exempt to provide it due to their religious beliefs and impose it on others. This is a medical case for birth control and they are subject to the same health care laws as everyone else. Just as I do not believe in religious organizations getting tax exemptions where other organizations cannot get those same tax exemptions solely based on the fact that they have a "religion". I personally am tired of funding other peoples religions via skirting taxes and imposing their beliefs on the general populace by noncompliance of the laws. Originally Posted by Guilty Pleasures
But you have no complaints to direct at tax exempt organizations like "MoveOn", a PAC for Democrats, and "Media Matters" - both of which were founded by liberal Democrats and funded by the likes George Soros. "Media Matters" sole mission is to censor the media; thus, the dissemination of information. Yeah, you're okay with those groups.
I B Hankering's Avatar
And I am NOT a Catholic, nor do I play one on TV. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
It's a very simple answer. Go to a different college. You can afford Fordham, there are others out there just as good. Don't go to a Catholic college and demand they change 1500 years of tradition to suit you. Go someplace else. To go to a Catholic college when you should have known what their practices are, and then complain is ridiculous.

And if you can't afford a condom, you don't have money for booze or anything. So don't have sex. If you're out partying and buying booze and other things, buy a goddam condom. "Can't afford birth control" Bullshit. They can afford Fordham, but can't afford birth control? Again, bullshit.

Sorry Guilty. As much as I'd love to be with you on this, I just can't. The story gets stupider every time I read it.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
Obama is attempting to violate a major tenet of the First Amendment. You are not 'required' to deal with the Catholic Church, so feel free to exercise your 'rights' somewhere else. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
That’s right. You can go to Planned Parenthood and…..Oh that’s right, you want them gone too.
What Obama does or doesn’t want to do has nothing to do with tending to a request for a physical issue verses refusing that request based on “magic” (or religion or what ever newt calls it these days).

You’re right. They don’t owe it to anyone or anything to provide birth control to the students.

(Sarcasm alert) On the other hand, you can see why the Catholics want no part of birth control.
Look at how their numbers are dwindling. It’s best to get them knocked up at 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 ruin their chance of being anything later in life besides welfare moms who make money having little Catholics (if they can find a Catholic daddy). We all know what God thinks of teenagers who fuck for fun.

I mean if it works as well as you claim it does for the Blacks, we should have lots of new little welfare Catholics in no time.
I B Hankering's Avatar
That’s right. You can go to Planned Parenthood and…..Oh that’s right, you want them gone too.
What Obama does or doesn’t want to do has nothing to do with tending to a request for a physical issue verses refusing that request based on “magic” (or religion or what ever newt calls it these days).

You’re right. They don’t owe it to anyone or anything to provide birth control to the students.

(Sarcasm alert) On the other hand, you can see why the Catholics want no part of birth control.
Look at how their numbers are dwindling. It’s best to get them knocked up at 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 ruin their chance of being anything later in life besides welfare moms who make money having little Catholics (if they can find a Catholic daddy). We all know what God thinks of teenagers who fuck for fun.

I mean if it works as well as you claim it does for the Blacks, we should have lots of new little welfare Catholics in no time. Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
You are so funny! You make up stuff so you can create a little 'mini-argument' with yourself and then believe you have won the argument. Note: You might think you're a winner, but when you've 'made-up' the counter-argument, you've also lost - you loser, you.