Rectal Exam Amendment

You guys, meet Janet Howell, a Democratic Virginia State Senator who is my new hero. Howell was disgusted by a new bill that would require women to undergo an ultrasound before having an abortion, so she decided to protest it in a decidedly unique way. She attached an amendment to that bill that would also require men to have a rectal exam and a cardiac stress test before obtaining a prescription for erectile dysfunction medication.
“We need some gender equity here,” she told the Huffington Post. “The Virginia senate is about to pass a bill that will require a woman to have totally unnecessary medical procedure at their cost and inconvenience. If we’re going to do that to women, why not do that to men?”
Sadly, her amendment was not approved — but only by a slim margin of 21 to 19 — while the bill itself passed in a voice vote (the formal vote will occur this Friday). Howell is not surprised her amendment didn’t pass, but said the intent was to send a “message.”

Message received — anti-choice bills like the one in Virginia are bullshit and I, for one, am glad to have a savvy politician like Janet Howell fighting for our reproductive freedom.
"That just makes too much medical sense. Old men are popping those pills like crazy and frankly they should have to have some level of physical exam before engaging in that type of play.

Might even prevent some unwanted pregnancies ~ win win all around".
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
"Ask your doctor if you're healthy enough for sex." Then the doc sticks his finger in your ass. I don't like where this is going.
Munchmasterman's Avatar
"Ask your doctor if you're healthy enough for sex." Then the doc sticks his finger in your ass. I don't like where this is going. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Are you still going to that doctor who sticks his fingers (up to 3 of them if you’re nice) up your ass? The one who then says, “Now say “ahhhhh” right after?

I can see why you would claim not to like where this is going (or has been). Butt wouldn’t it be easier to just change doctors?

Don’t you have a choice before socialized medicine kicks in?

Isn't "Choice" a choice in Kansas (or Virginia)?
Come On, the ONLY reason the abortion industry does not want any thing like Ultra Sound pics in abortion counciling is they do not want the woman to actually see what she is aborting.

Ever seen an ultra sound of a 3 month old fetus. I suppose the first thought that would pop into the mind of any woman contemplating an abortion at 3 months would be, "they told me it was no more than a clump of tissue. That looks like a tiny baby".

It's all about the money. Abortion is a billion dollar industry. And whether we like to admitt it or not, 99 percent od all abortions performed in the United States are what can be called "convienience" abortions. In other words, there is nothing wrong with the health of either fetus or mother, there is no rape or incest, there are no reasons except the woman, and man, does not want the rresponsibility of a baby.

I have mixed feelings about abortion, and the way it is practiced. But why is it in every instance, we always say "more knowledge is good". But, when it comes to abortion, we seem to be content with "what the woman doesn't know won't hurt her".

Like I said, it's all about the money.
Come On, the ONLY reason the abortion industry does not want any thing like Ultra Sound pics in abortion counciling is they do not want the woman to actually see what she is aborting.

Ever seen an ultra sound of a 3 month old fetus. I suppose the first thought that would pop into the mind of any woman contemplating an abortion at 3 months would be, "they told me it was no more than a clump of tissue. That looks like a tiny baby".

It's all about the money. Abortion is a billion dollar industry. And whether we like to admitt it or not, 99 percent od all abortions performed in the United States are what can be called "convienience" abortions. In other words, there is nothing wrong with the health of either fetus or mother, there is no rape or incest, there are no reasons except the woman, and man, does not want the rresponsibility of a baby.

I have mixed feelings about abortion, and the way it is practiced. But why is it in every instance, we always say "more knowledge is good". But, when it comes to abortion, we seem to be content with "what the woman doesn't know won't hurt her".

Like I said, it's all about the money. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Bullshit. The idea that the ultrasound legislation is for the benefit of the pregnant woman or so it is that she can make an informed decision is nonsense. It's social anti-choice legislation being forced on women and their doctors by the conservative whackos who spend all their time worrying about abortion rather than other real problems like poverty, lack of education, unemployment, crime, etc.....just another way for the right to impose their morals on the rest of us. Middle-aged, pious white men, for the most part, telling women that they should be forced to bear children whether they want to or not. And, who once those unwanted children are born, want to do nothing to foster their development, education or well-being.

Whether a pregnant woman wants to have a child should be her choice, not the choice of some Republican legislator trying to score points with the evangelicals so he can get elected again during the next cycle.
I B Hankering's Avatar
. . ., etc.....just another way for the right to impose their morals on the rest of us. Middle-aged, pious white men, for the most part, telling women that they should be forced to bear children whether they want to or not. And, who once those unwanted children are born, want to do nothing to foster their development, education or well-being. Originally Posted by timpage
Yet, in your twisted little world, it's quite alright to tax -- force -- the average working Joe to pay -- whether they want to or not -- for someone else's irresponsible behavior. The unmitigated duplicity of the liberal mind knows no bounds.
Just look at the Pic I gave the link to. That is what the Abortion Industry does not want the mother to see. It's that simple.

Now, if the vast majority of women look at a Pic such as that, ans till opt for the abortion, then that is OK with me. At least they would have made a decision not clouded by ignorance of what actually they are doing.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Are you still going to that doctor who sticks his fingers (up to 3 of them if you’re nice) up your ass? The one who then says, “Now say “ahhhhh” right after?

I can see why you would claim not to like where this is going (or has been). Butt wouldn’t it be easier to just change doctors?

Don’t you have a choice before socialized medicine kicks in?

Isn't "Choice" a choice in Kansas (or Virginia)? Originally Posted by Munchmasterman
Geez, Munch. Not only do you try to cloud serious issues with non sequiturs, you do the same with a joke. The funny thing is, afterward you congratulate yourself on your logic and intelligence.

I do not support abortion. But it is also not my decision. In keeping with my philosophy of government not telling people what to do, I have to agree with Timmy on this. These laws are just a veiled attempt by the Religious Right to heap guilt on a woman who already has enough to deal with. The woman needs to consult her physician and her God, and make the best decision she can under the circumstances.

Munch, you are behaving like a junior high kid. Time to grow up.

Most women know what the fetus looks like in the woman now a days. Even the most poorest woman knows. This is a way to guilt a woman into not aborting a fetus. It is the absurd notion that most women who go for an abortion do so cavalierly and use it as some form of birth control and that is not the case. I have had an abortion and it was when I was very very young and trust me back then they didn't have all the media pictures of an unborn fetus and I was still very torn about it. It was not something that I took lightly. Most women who have had to face the abortion issue do not take it lightly.

I know one thing is for certain I do not want to go back to the days where abortion is illegal or even shame women into not going to a qualified doctor / hospital to get one. This is a woman's body and it is her reproductive right to decide whether she wants to go through with a pregnancy or not.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Guilty is right. The ProLifers don't seem to understand that making abortion illegal will not stop abortions. If the ProLifers want to end abortions they need to do it through love, compassion, understanding, support and education. Not through guilt, intimidation, and regulation. And they certainly shouldn't be using government to achieve their stated goals. While I support the right of communities of faith to not provide abortion or birth control services, I do not support the idea of making those choices illegal or unavailable.

Say what you will about the late Jerry Falwell (yes I know he was a fund raising buffoon) but he had a program where a woman who was going to get an abortion could come to Lynchburg and get free room and board, medical care, education, and adoption services, if desired, if they would agree to not have the abortion. It was one of the few things he did right in his career.
GP, if a Woman can look at the picture of her 3 month old fetus and still go through with an abortion, then our society has sunk to the point of no return and our moral compass is certainly askew.

I am not a particularilly religious person, and I cherish the rights that our country affords us. But deep in my heart, I would hope a lot of other peoples as well, I believe that the way we justify the killing of our unborn children is simply wrong.

With all due respect, I do not buy the argument that women "anquish" over this choice. If the anquish was there, Abortion would not be a billion dollar industry.

Yeh, I know that being a old whore monger sort of negates my moral chracter, but we all have our flaws.
Not every woman nor man shares your opinion and thank goodness they don't. It isn't about a woman losing her moral character/compass or somehow she is "killing a baby" (because it is in fact a fetus and not yet a baby). Abortions have been taking place long before Christianity was around. The fact that we would try to make a woman feel that she has lost her moral compass for aborting a fetus that she does not want to me is much more a shameful of an act. Your not a woman Jackie and you have never been faced with such a decision, so you don't know what you are talking about and I most certainly do.
GP, the very fact that our society has been convinced that there is no moral compass when it comes to abortion says a lot more about how our society than any old whoremonger ever could.

Just because society says it is OK does not negate the facts of the situation. A future Human life is snuffed out . And read again what you wrote. "a fetus she does not want". Think about how trivial that sounds.

It sounds trivial because by the Governments own statistics, the vast majority of abortions are performed for no other reason than "a fetus she does not want."

We are using abortion as birth controle. That is the simple fact that this Country cannot seem to come to grips with.
I will agree to respectfully disagree with you.