Killeen Backpage

Ranchhand's Avatar
Is it just me, or are the ladies that are posting on Killeen backpage for Friday, look like they are way out of the norm for Backpage? Some REAL looking beauties on there. Ranch
Buckskin's Avatar
LMFAO!!!! Upload Fail!!!
sparta69's Avatar
It's called management and I am sure business will be hopping now !!!
TFF, danger Will Robinson.. Danger
MrIncredible's Avatar
dammmmmm. And to Quote Paul Harvey....."And now you know the rest of the story!" WTF, WTF, WTF?
sirhk's Avatar
  • sirhk
  • 02-04-2012, 10:05 AM
well I guess that shows us who that dude was in the reflection of the photo discussed earlier. But to her credit she never to my knowledge ever said she was independant, and he posted his pic aswell. Not saying that its ok, just saying you should know what to expect if you decide on this lady.
Guest062716's Avatar
There are some repeats, and some new ones that are wayyyy TGTBT.

As an example......

This one calls herself SALENA (763) 250-7144. And posts under that name in Dallas and Killeen

That phone number is from Minnesota.

In Lincoln Nebraska, that phone number is used for NIKKI, and here is Nikki's pic.

Clearly not the same woman (name or pic) but the same phone number.

I agree with you Ranch.... word that the Soldier boys are back from the war have brought some interesting talent to the area.

Be careful.


knotty man's Avatar
that and coupled with the fact that its the beginning of the month always brings out the " TOFTT girls"
Guest062716's Avatar
that and coupled with the fact that its the beginning of the month always brings out the " TOFTT girls" Originally Posted by knotty man
Yes, it IS payday weekend.......45,000 soldiers getting paid on the 1st and 15th.... and 20,000 retirees getting paid on the 1st..... not to mention all of the other folks in town getting paid at the end/first of the month.... makes for lot of money getting spent in Killeen/Ft Hood area this weekend...... and the WalMart food shelves will be bare..... LOL.


Ranchhand's Avatar
Im not falling for any of those ladies, but damn they sure look interesting. Ranch
Guest062716's Avatar
As long as we are talking interesting pics.....

This recent Killeen backpage beauty.....

Calls herself Arial at (334)259-3441

Her Alabama phone number is also used by KATIE in New Orleans.....

Again, clearly pics of two different women in two states with the same phone number.....

Ranch, they do LOOK interesting..... to be sure.


sirhk's Avatar
  • sirhk
  • 02-04-2012, 01:30 PM
also thos is superbowl weekend. lots of parties and such aswell as a lot of cops. be safe and cautious this weekend.

im still tempted by this one Originally Posted by chillen3
No tineye hits but I was using my smartphone, same ad ran in Delrio BP on the 20th last month. Same Killeen ad on the 22nd of January and my provider guide runs same pics and ad.

Chillen, don't what to tell you but if do go in and she's as advertised please share. I've been wondering about her myself.