Farewell Eccie..

Please no tears!!!

Just for you Daddycock...

I have had alot of fun running into old friends from aspd and meeting the very select few gentlemen here...thank you for the WILDXXXtimes!

I truly enjoyed spending time with all of you. I admire the hobbyist that respects the hobby and view it like some view playing tennis...goodtimes!

However, I feel it is in my best interest to retire my Eccie account and wish all of you the very best in all of your XXX , GFE , Streetwalking, TOPLESS BAR, MASSAGE PARLOR, ECCIE hunting...ect!

Ladies I sincerely wish you the very best and $AFE fun on ECCIE too!

I am not retiring from the game....yet. I am only retiring from ECCIE...permanently.

Thank you Eccie for the creating this resource and its priviledges.

However, I find that 80% of the Hobbyists that post here to be tasteless and not any one whom I can even fathom the idea of spending time with, let alone with bcd!!

So why advertise here....um......no thanks.

I do not tolerate trash...not in cyber world not in REAL WORLD.

Kindly remove my member account from Eccie.

If you sent me a private message in hopes to meet and I have yet to responded I am very busy and sorry?
Buh Bye!
i guess that photobucket thing has had a major impact. id say not to post your face photos if you dont want them out. there are way to many of us that have nothing but time on our hands to think of dumb things to do. As if we dont have enuff secrets running around. geesh....
surcher's Avatar
If you sent me a private message in hopes to meet and I have yet to responded I am very busy and sorry? Originally Posted by VENUSNOVA
If you're not here, how's this going to work?

80% is a little exaggerated, don't you think?
thanks a whole bunch for hurting someone on your way out the door.
chicagoboy's Avatar
Not surprising - she exiled herself from the Island back in 2007 because she could dish it out, but she couldn't take it. Plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose.

Good riddance.
Sarcastro's Avatar
VN--Send a note to an admin with your request to close your account, together with a reason for doing so.
TX Bulldog's Avatar
She'll be back...she always does. Sarcastro you might just moth ball her account and keep it handy until she returns.
Please no tears!!!

However, I find that 80% of the Hobbyists that post here to be tasteless and not any one whom I can even fathom the idea of spending time with, let alone with bcd!! Originally Posted by VENUSNOVA
You are being a tad dramatic. Who are we going to laugh at now? Come on. I was just starting to like you. I like Drama Queens. What can I say! I can't stop crying. Don't go.
texasjohn1965's Avatar
Classic trashy
Didn't really know you but.....PEACE!
Wayward's Avatar
She reminds me of a party guest that comes in to your house, takes a big steaming stinky dump in the middle of the living room, then complain that your house stinks and how horrible it is that she has to leave.
don't forget drinks all your beer and fucks your wife.
Good riddance. Originally Posted by chicagoboy
+10000000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000...

One of THE most tasteless, trashy, individual (men or women) I have EVER met! The contents of her 'good bye' post is just another case in point.

p.s. If her account is still active, I hope she reads my post. I'm sure she's checking for responses.... (using her own account or not)

Disclaimer: I have nothing against her. I don't have to hate someone to have an opinion on what type of person he/she is.
.Well, maybe that was a little mean...sorry, good luck!