Information Guide Please...

Hello All!! I'm new and working hard to pick up the acronyms used by posters...if there's a specific place this information can be located, please let me know. I know what many of them mean but I would just like to be well versed when contacted or requests are made..Thanks so much!!! Who's looking forward to the Super Bowl today? Silly question, right?? I'm not a football fan really but I still have it on in the background while I surf the net and read a I just look for the commercials but I'm excited to see Madonna perform!! In my opinion no commercial comes close to last year's with the kid in the Darth Vader mask trying to use the force and the car commercial with the stuffed animals although my favorite commercial of all time is those HipHop Hamsters with the Kia Soul....Hamsterdam Avenue??? Classic!!! One of the best commercials of all time IMHO ( you see, I do know some!!!

This sticky will get you started. The rest we just make up as we go...

pyramider's Avatar

This sticky will get you started. The rest I just make up as I go...
Originally Posted by JDNorthface

Fixed that for you.
Fixed that for you. Originally Posted by pyramider
I think you have me confused with Mr. Bill.
Thank you!!!! xoxo
Guest091314's Avatar is also a good resource and you get a good laugh out of the examples.