What personality type takes these banters seriously and Why?

With all the back and forth banter and squabbling on the board most folk here usually chuckle realizing it's just a bunch of alias's seeking a brief moment's entertainment during a hectic day.
We realize it isn't personal on any level however there are always those who somehow actually take this drivel as serious stuff lashing out in real anger which you can actually feel in their posts.
Usually when I am involved in a brief back and forth I perceive it as more a contest of wits until I get bored and move on.

Yes on occasion there are threads regarding serious topics which understandably evoke a more serious response but it is the topic itself which evokes an emotional reaction.

I am referring specifically to the banter and minor jabs which are totally meaningless. Don't they realize that these same people jabbing back and forth with them upon meeting would laugh it off and buy em a drink?
Whispers's Avatar
No..... They don't realize that..... They are too caught up in feeling disrespected or hurt because of words on a SHMB....
It's all in good fun. Sometimes it gets heated and topics get moved to the side. If your skin is that thin then your probably in the wrong place.
A few I banter and take jabs at are folks I have hung out with over drinks and laughed and have mutual friends.

Mostly for me it's funny and nothing serious, just all fun and games. True some threads/post do spark and touch a few nerves. Wre human and have feelings/emotions.
I would love nothing more than to buy these girls a beer/drink even of I have been critical of them in some fashion. I am not a drama diva and can have an argument and then move on.
Rand Al'Thor's Avatar
This is serious business, how dare you make light of my blinding wit and sarcasm.