Question for the members?

Anyone can post a poll and word it so the OP opinion or message always come out on top.

So my questions to the members is: Should we have a mandatory "none of the above" as one of the questions?
Granted it does to apply to all questions, but including it can't hurt. This way we insure everyone is on an equal level. Besides if it does not apply you can just ignore it.

Seems like the reasonable way of getting everyone to participate in finding out what ALL the members like or don't like, not just the few the Op opinion applies too.

What do you think?

I don't know that it would make a difference, it couldn't hurt. But there's a certain percentage of people to chicken to state an opinion, and it would give them an easy way out. I think most polls would end up being none of the above.. How mediocre would that be?
Good point, something to think about. Anyone else?
budman33's Avatar
polls are stupid anyway. just ask whispers.
CRamsey's Avatar
a poll about polls?
levibob56's Avatar
Not a bad idea. It's like saying I do not agree with this poll.
I actually agree with the idea because I think it gives a much more balanced perspective overall.