Bare with me now, as I am still a newbie in the hobby........
Ok I keep seeing were providers seem to change their names quite often. Reviews from different names, aka....different names, ect. Now I do understand why the BP girls tend to do this as they dont have a lot to lose. But WHY would a Verified Provider choose to change her name, thus loosing past clients and reputation of service, as well as her ADs and web page..................
Originally Posted by Ms. Athena
During MY 5 years of escorting I have changed my name three times. First I was Claire J when I started on CL, about a year after that I wanted to make a new image for myself to attract more upscale gentleman so I changed my name to match my makeover. In 09-10 I went on a hiatus while in a relationship, after that ended I started being an escort again, but changed my name again because my ex knew my last stage name.
But yes- changing a name can loose you clients if they are not notified ahead of time, while in DC I am still getting calls from guys who've seen me as Claire like 4 years ago but lost touch with after I changed my name.

It's been quite a nice surprise to reunite with these people and talk about the 'old days'.