Recently a member of this board has gotten a hard on for me, (not in the way I normally expect lol) and honestly I feel like there is something that needs to be addressed.
First off….I’ll state the obvious. A MAN telling me that my belief system is the same belief system infringing on women’s reproductive rights is, at best, naive. That is not the substance of the issue concerning the catholic controversy that this current administration is facing. A woman will still be able to go to any other hospital, or health care facility to pursue whatever forms of contraceptive she chooses. Ergo the woman’s reproductive rights are not being infringed. The only infringement taking place is that of enforcing POLITCAL mandates on a religious institution. It’s pretty plain and simple. That’s why I started this thread.
I’m tired of the Liberal Elite. I have plenty of liberal friends who I can have healthy conversations with, and enjoy the exchanges. The liberal elite, however, like to treat all conservatives as if we are morons and incapable of making any sort of decision based off of our own merit. They use buzz words such as racism, hate, war to try to make points instead of having anything involving cognitive thought to work with. I entertain the company of all races and creeds without bias. Class, respect, and personality are how I judge people, and how I choose whose company I will be in. So I suppose you can call me a racist, but again it says more about you then me.
The liberal elite talks about hate and intolerance, but it seem that they are the most intolerant of all. They can’t talk about the catholic controversy without throwing in factors that actually have no bearing on the situation. They can’t accept any black conservative without deeming him an Uncle Tom. They preach about women’s rights but slap down any conservative woman as being a dumb bimbo who is brain washed. It’s like they choose not to hear some of the amazingly absurd things that come out of Nancy Pelosi’s mouth. If you’re Christian you are a right wing nut job, but if you are a radical Islamic jihadist you are a “freedom fighter”. If you’re rich then you are evil unless you contribute to Democratic Party that is…..But if you occupy a street for a few months and break some laws and infringe on other people’s right to life liberty and their own personal pursuit of happiness then you are a hero. If someone (me) tells you to go to a political forum to spout out your political beliefs so you may receive better prepared arguments it’s none of your business how they spend their time but if the liberal (1Nemesis) tells you to shed the sanctity of the nursery and debate it in the national sandbox they are being….oh wait lol that’s exactly what I’m talking about.
Common sense, rational thought, and respect for both sides is what I base my opinion on. I disagree with a good amount or conservative points. I disagree with a lot more liberal points. So when all is said and done I typically lean to the conservative side. I’m a 23 year old female college student believe me I have been pushed towards the liberal train of thought by my peers for a very long time, but the more I read and the more I learn the more I’m able to make up my own mind. (Without buzz words)
I’m not as intelligent as I want to be and it is that one factor that keeps me hungry for and constantly pursuing answers and information. The liberal elite consider themselves of higher intelligence and with that they have no drive to better prepare themselves beyond the cutting and pasting of facts found on the internet. When they are left to answer points that would take actual thought and their own beliefs they become offensive, aggressive and annoyed. As if people are so silly because they just don’t see it your way. Assuming that I have no idea what “my” conservative party is doing is …well…sexist. Oh wait! That can’t be! Liberalism is the pursuit of equality and fairness and hmmmm…. It seems like if someone doesn’t agree with a point then they are inferior….but wait isn’t that…wow it’s crazy to think that such a higher level of consciousness could get baited in to mentioning me so many times. It also seems like a certain somebody likes to cut me down a bit after a gentleman compliments me on a thread. What’s the matter? Are you upset that the guys respect and want to hear from me more then they want to see another cut and paste conversation from another website. Don’t worry keep up the good work posting ridicules statements and ideas “borrowed” from other websites.
Oh and the coupon comment was again sexiest and offensive, but its ok you’re a liberal so you are incapable of being insensitive to someone else’s world. YOU (1NEMESIS) give the liberal movement a very bad name. If I thought all liberals were as naïve, ignorant, irrational, and as elitist as you I would probably hate them as much as you hate conservatives. Fortunately I keep an open mind and do my homework and actually step back and think about issues instead of accepting everything that the media tells me.
1NEMESIS, you are incapable of conceding a point. You preach tolerance and understanding but only as it befit you. You can reply to a thread “YAWN. There is no GOD.” And then in your thread about no god/god you state that you are not an absolutist. Hypocrisy and arrogance makes every post unbearable to read. There is no original point to any thread you post, just constant regurgitation to try to get a rise out of people, and when backed into an intelligent corner you become who you really are. An absurd, naïve, ignorant, hateful, hate filled, product of being told “you’re special just the way you are”, etching of a man.
God Bless, oh and you really do need a hobby because debating politics….you suck at it.