Which Of Our Leaders Are Psychopaths?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Interesting article from the Huffington Post. The article makes the point that psychopaths are overrepresented in certain professions, such a politics and entertainment.

So, do you think any of our current (or past) leaders are (or were) psychopaths? If so, who might they be?


JD Barleycorn's Avatar
We need a working definition of psychopath or we will just end up throwing out names of our opponents (which we will do anyway).

Medical Dictionary
psychopath psy·cho·path (sī'kə-pāth')
A person with an antisocial personality disorder, especially one manifested in perverted, criminal, or amoral behavior.

The American Heritage® Stedman's Medical Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company.

Nixon was paranoid at the end but then, he was being pursued by the media and democratic party so maybe he wasn't so crazy. He did resign rather than fight impeachment so he did put the country above his own personal needs. Nixon was deeply flawed but not a psychopath.

Carter was a micromanager of the worst sort. His need to be involved in minute details did cause harm to people as he ignored the bigger issues and interfered with the professionals. He did not like to admit any mistake and still doesn't admit mistakes with Iran, Arafat, or Afghanistan. He is very anti-semetic and bitter. I guess the question is did Carter understand that he was hurting this country in order to advance his agenda? Psychotic? Probably not. Sociopath? Probably closer to the mark.

Clinton couldn't even play miniture golf with Chelsea without cheating. He liked to lie to show his mastery over his audience. Clinton showed very little concern what his actions were doing to the country. Instead he tried to blame the multiple messengers. He could turn it on and off in a second like he did during the Ron Brown funeral. Laughing with his friends until he saw a camera. Suddenly he was Mr. Pain while his friends were still laughing at his latest pussy joke. I don't think Clinton intended to hurt the country but he wanted to have his way like a small child and woe be unto anyone who got in his way. I would guess that Clinton was, and is, a sociopath.
To me all politicians are psychopaths. They say one thing and mean another, lie to save face, and have MANY different personalities. It's called split personality disorder.