I Just Had a "Wardrobe Malfunction"

So, this morning, my nipple was a little sore. Every now and then, the piercing gets a little sore, and I have to "freeball" my breasts. I didn't want to take my shirt off this morning, because I was kind of cold, and my shirt is pink and red. I was feeling festive, okay? Anyway, I have been sitting here all day with my right breast hanging out of the top of my sweater. My nipple stopped hurting, and I forgot it was even out, to be honest.

I was trying to check my income tax return status online, but I needed the paperwork from my CPA, and it was in my car. So, I get up, prance outside to my car to get my stuff. My neighbor was out there, and I looked up, waved and said hello. He was looking at me so odd. We always exchange pleasantries, so I didn't get why he didn't say hi back.
I just got inside and realized that my tit was just hanging out of my shirt the whole time! I never want to leave my house again. Seriously. This is like one of those dreams where I'm naked in the neighborhood. I can't wake up. No amount of pinching or punching will wake me. I'm the creepy bitch in the hood who walks around with her tit hanging out like it is no big deal.

So I decided to write him an apology card explaining the whole thing. He must have thought I was bat-shit crazy.

This is what he saw:

And this is the card I wrote for him and just put in his mailbox:

Honestly...it was really funny, but damn...I have to see this guy EVERY DAY!!!!
seems like something out of hangover type movie. jealous of that guy though.
seems like something out of hangover type movie. jealous of that guy though. Originally Posted by Mobeezy

That would not be at all inaccurate!!!! I seriously just waved like there was nothing out of the ordinary going on at all. "Hey, Louis! how's it going?" I crack up to think of all of the things he must have thought at that moment...
Louis---Just hanging I see
Lucky neighbor
Tonguenchick's Avatar
That is a LMAO boobie story! Yours look so great so I am sure Louis was impressed!
I had a lake home with a neighbor that only had a vacant lot across the street.
I was remodeling the lake home to sell so was there often and saw this neighbor
was there one weekend with wife or girlfriend but staying in a tent. Early the next morning as i pulled out of the drive I noticed them both sitting outside in the same chair (you know lap dance style!). She was facing me with boobs uncovered. However the guy quickly covered them with his hands as I pulled out in front of the tent!
I of course waved at him hoping he was an Aggie so he would wave back and give me
a better view of her assets! He was not very friendly and did not wave back! LOL!
At least you are friendly to your neighbors and share your assets!
Thanks for sharing!
MuffinMan's Avatar
Rockell...If I was your neighbor, I'd be over at your house every day just seeing if you needed a light bulb changed or help with a handyman project....just in case of a repeat!!

Hell he's a guy you just made one of his dreams come true...lol..
It's sort of like one of those porn movies where the pizza man come to door and the gal answers door butt naked.
If I was your neighbor I'd be borrowing a cup of sugar or yard tools everyday just to get to see the boobs again and hoping for more !
Too funny..but don't get all freaked out about it ..I'm sure he is telling the story to all of his co-workers as we type. Lol
Rockell...If I was your neighbor, I'd be over at your house every day just seeing if you needed a light bulb changed or help with a handyman project....just in case of a repeat!! Originally Posted by MuffinMan
haha! Funny you should say that! He is a maintenance man for a living and has EVERY tool known to man in his garage. He is the person I go to when I need any kind of mechanical help...no matter what. He can do it all!!!
Lol..sounds like you need to trade dirty deeds for dirty jobs around the house.....what an arrangement wish I was your neighbor
Can I be your neighbor?? PLEASE
srvfin's Avatar
And it's such a nice, big titty at that...!!!!!