Intel help (BCS)

randomguy2010's Avatar

Are any of these real? Intel? The 3rd especially interests me. Looks wayyy TGTBT but I ran the images through Tineye and turned up nothing so that's good... but not enough.

Sarge, lately you've been the booming voice of common sense and recon so if you have some spare time, would you mind running your recon skills on these 3? I always value your input on these things. Anyone else who may have met them? Much appreciated.
I don't have something that will give you real names connected to a number, so Sarge will have more info, but I will let you know what I have seen.

The second and third have posted around. The latina (second one) Gabby has posted quite a bit in CS on BP. I have seen the postings but never looked too close.

The third one has only shown up more recently. (Leah, the blond) Looks way tgtbt, I agree, but has posted elsewhere (i.e. sipsap - link isn't working, but it can be found if you google the phone number) with the same pics, name, and number. Number is out of California. Not enough to convince me to make the call, but I was damn close. Since it was so recent - I wasn't going to risk it.
randomguy2010's Avatar
Thanks for info. I saw the sipsap thing but forgot to mention it. Same info and everything so I remained with insufficient info. Guess time will tell then.

I've seen Gaby for a while but have found no info so I'm still uneasy. Called once, no answer.

Add this one too:
No tineye hits on this one either.
qwik101's Avatar
seen the 3rd ad pics in to many other ads which makes me say tgtbt.
randomguy2010's Avatar
Figured. Dare to dream, right? Lol.
I've been pleasantly surprised before so I was just hoping.
Thanks for that bit of info.
I heard a story from a client today about

The story goes like this, she doesnt take cash, she only takes the green dot cards. This way when you actually buy the green dot, she asks for the little numbers on the bottom saying she wants to verify that the card has cash on it.
Once you give her the numbers, she has the cash and you actually never meet her. This is all done over the phone.

My friend states this is what happened to him a few days ago.

Ill say this, if you call her and she says she only takes green dot. You know why.

Best of luck
Ranchhand's Avatar
Aria, thanks for the valuable information. Ranch
randomguy2010's Avatar
Aria, you are a gem on this board. I appreciate the info very much.
I'd be lying if I said I didn't come damn close to calling. Green dot might have raised a flag for me but I'm not sure if I would've been thinking straight (with my big head).
You're a sweetheart. Thanks again.
Guest062716's Avatar
Ladies and Gents,

Sorry for the delay, I was on Temporary Duty to Fort Benning all week.

With respect to the third posting.

Claims to be Leah at (323) 907-5285 (Los Angeles telephone number, not tracable to a name)

Her pics have no hits on

Google says she is posting simultaneously in B/CS, Tx and Richmond, Va on 17 February, 2012. Having driven between both, I would say the 1400 miles between the two cities may prove problematic for her to be in both on the same day.

The PIC is TGTBT and with a LA number, I am going to guess management has at least two different blondes they are promoting with someone elses photo.


randomguy2010's Avatar
No worries Sarge.
I figured you were busy.
Thanks for the info.
Anything on the other 3? In case they advertise again? I've found nothing useful which is why I'm posting here. Thanks again guys.
Guest062716's Avatar
The first link is Katie, asked and answered here.

The second link is Gabby, nothing to report since you asked about her here last month....

My suggestions on improving responses for ISO is located here:

and includes:

With respect to ISOs:

Many will simply post a BP link with a note stating “anyone know this lady?”.
Here is my suggestion for a better response.

Post the link.

Ask the question.

Add to the post the following: She says her name is XXXX. Her phone is 123-4567. Post a pic and/or description of the lady.

Also tell us what YOU have found out in doing YOUR research. I promise you will get better responses. Originally Posted by oldsarge
This will make it much easier for members to quickly recognize the inquiry and will most likely result in more input.

Very respectfully,

randomguy2010's Avatar
I hadn't seen that ISO tip thread. Those are excellent points Sarge.
I'll try to follow that scheme from here on out.
I use my cel a lot so that gets difficult sometimes but I'll make it a point to do what you suggest.

And as for Gabby, I figured there might be some new info on her is all.

Once again, I value your input greatly Sarge. Much appreciated.
Guest062716's Avatar
You are more than welcome, sir.

I hear you on the cell phone posting challenge. One of the reasons I was delayed a few days in this thread, is that I did not have my personal computer with me on the trip (and did not feel like using the hotel's business office to comment on ECCIE posts).

I had my smart phone with me, great for looking up information, but not so great for posting info on the site.

Hobby safe!

