The country is in trouble, Europe is in trouble, Iran almost has a nuke, China is building up their military and you fell prey to the distraction. Sex, drugs, scandal, and cute kittens all being pushed to distract you from the important stuff going on around you. What does the death of Whitney Houston have to do with your life? Absolutely nothing. When was the last time she produced any new music that you ran and bought? A long time.
A guy involved in a campaign makes a very old, very poor joke so how does that affect you or Santorum? It doesn't.
The Congress has a committee on government overreach (now this is important) but the democrats find someway to make it about sex. This is not a about contraception but about a executive branch trying get power over each of us.
According to the federal government you can't sell raw milk to fully informed people.
According to the federal government a parent doesn't know how to raise their children.
According to the federal government a parent can't pack a decent lunch for a little girl.
According to the federal government we drive too much.
According to the federal government we eat too much.
According to the federal government we don't pay enough for our gasoline.
According to the federal government we are bitter and clinging to guns.
According to the federal government our religious values have to make way for their values.
According to the federal government we can now make a treaty with the people who blew up our buildings, killed our soldiers, and beheaded civilians.
According to the federal government we should be buying a car that catches fire and fails to get the mileage advertised.
I forgot about education. This should entertain you.