Gary carter

yankee13's Avatar
Passed away yesterday at age 57after battling cancer of the brain he was the only Montreal expo to get in the hall of fame played 19 years
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  • Doove
  • 02-17-2012, 06:42 PM
he was the only Montreal expo to get in the hall of fame played 19 years Originally Posted by yankee13
Not to nit-pick, but that was true only up until 2010 when Andre Dawson was inducted. And that only includes players (not managers a la Dick Williams) who went in as a Montreal Expo. One HOF'er who went in as a Red who passed through Montreal was Tony Perez.

Interestingly enough, Pete Rose also played for part of one season as an Expo, but that's a whole 'nother discussion.

Nevertheless, having once been a huge baseball fan, i was saddened to hear about Gary Carter's passing.
  • Quail
  • 02-17-2012, 06:43 PM
I read that he was only diagnosed with this brain cancer less than one year ago. I always admired him for being a great " team " player and a hard nosed, grind it out kind of guy. I respected and agreed with his decision to go into the Baseball Hall of Fame as a Montreal Expo instead of as a NY Met.
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  • Doove
  • 02-17-2012, 06:55 PM
I stand corrected - Dick Williams went in as a member of the Oakland A's, in spite of what the hall of fame website says.

I should have assumed as much, but then again, i went by what i read.
rooster's Avatar
I respected and agreed with his decision to go into the Baseball Hall of Fame as a Montreal Expo instead of as a NY Met. Originally Posted by quail
Sadly, I have to agree. He was an integral part of the Mets during the late 80's, yet the fans treated him like dogshit when he slumped due to accumulating injuries later in his career. The guy sparked the fucking rally that ultimately won them the Series, fer chrissakes! Not to mention doing things like playing 162 games with ONE passed ball. And marshalling a bunch of streaky pitchers like Doc Gooden.

One of the coolest things I ever saw was at a Mets game when he was playing with the Giants. He hit a monster home run and the fans tried to get him to come out for a curtain call. He wouldn't do it. And I thought it was a great final "Fuck You!"

We miss ya', Kid!