10 Reasons Democrats Are Supporting Ron Paul

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
This man has an appeal that crosses party lines, yet we are still told he is "unelectable".


Sounds good to me!

Sa_artman's Avatar
Ha...like that's a 'real' writer with unbiased opinions. Ron Paul is just another idiot who likes to yell fire in a crowded room and has a snowball chance. But based on your nutty judgement, I'm sure you're all in. Losing proposition and only drunk frat boys, the nut jobs and anybody else who without common sense who wants to throw away their vote would jump on that bandwagon.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Thank you, Sa_fartman, for your reasoned, thoughtful response. Nothing solid, but some creative name calling. Impressive.
Sa_artman's Avatar
Thank you, Sa_fartman, for your reasoned, thoughtful response. Nothing solid, but some creative name calling. Impressive. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
That's all the man deserves for wasting people's vote and time.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
And who should I vote for to make sure my vote isn't wasted? I would sure hate to waste my vote, Sa_fartman.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
Had Ron Paul established himself with that oh so important (R) in front of his name 8 or so years ago, he'd probably HAVE a chance. But that pesky (I) was his worse decision ever

Much like Arlen Specter who had a little (R) next to his name for my entire life, but voted pretty (D). Then one day poof, he was gone. Turns out he changed it to a (D) and lost.
Sa_artman's Avatar
And who should I vote for to make sure my vote isn't wasted? I would sure hate to waste my vote, Sa_fartman. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Ha wouldn't matter, I doubt you leave your house since you're afraid the government will jack boot you.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Just avoid the issue, and congratulate yourself on how smart you are.

Sa_fartman, I'd still be interested in knowing how to not waste my vote. Until then, see you outside.

Why not just answer my questions? That would be the best way to put me in my place. I guess you just don't have any response of substance. That's good. That's just the kind of mindlessness that the government requires. You are a solid cog in the fascist machine. Congratulations.
Sa_artman's Avatar
...how smart you are. THANKS!
Sa_fartman, I'd still be interested in knowing how to not waste my vote. Until then, see you outside.

Why not just answer my questions? That would be the best way to put me in my place. Vote for Obama. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
...awaiting dumb response in 3...2...1...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Sorry, Sa_fartman, you beat me to the dumb response. You can't handle the truth, can you?
Sa_artman's Avatar
Sorry, Sa_fartman, you beat me to the dumb response. You can't handle the truth, can you? Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
What truth? Still waiting for you to have an actual voice.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You don't hear, because you don't listen
Reading this is why I support abortion
Thank you, Sa_fartman, for your reasoned, thoughtful response. Nothing solid, but some creative name calling. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I am not trying to take sides here but you have consistently referred to him as Sa_fartman, not only in this thread buy many others as well. In this short thread alone, you have referred to him by using that name at least 4 times already.

I have never lived in Wichita (nor would I want to) but in Texas Sa_fartman would certainly qualify as "creative name calling!"

My unsolicited advice, don't dish out "creative name calling," if you don't want "creative name calling" thrown back at 'cha!

Just sayin'
Murf76's Avatar
One of my late,great father's favorite sayings applies here......"Opinions are like assholes...everybody has one!!!!!!"