Breaking news: Thousands of children for sale in Houston...

sharkie's Avatar
yeah, I know...highly unlikely. The way this subject is being couched by a new watchdog group would make anybody here fair game. How do they raise awareness? By making the outlandish claim that pimps are selling hundreds if not thousands of children on our streets. LE gets sufficiently amped up and makes arrests all over town, whether kids are involved or not. The watchdog scores a victory and a non-issue is resolved. Their real message is that men who leave their homes for sex are all criminals.

There was some idiot busted for engaging a 12-year old prostitute several weeks ago, but I don't recall this being a huge problem in Houston.
Stalion's Avatar
Do gooders are just never happy.
TIADave's Avatar
I wonder if they take trade-ins for kids that WILL actually clean there rooms?
Stalion's Avatar
I've ordered two my self. Hoping one can do the yard.
Yowzer's Avatar
I guess the good news, if it is to be believed, is the article says only two (2) guys have been arrested (this last year I think).

Check some of the comments out. Actually a few that "defend" the hobby. But also note the bitch Commandrea "outing" ECCIE! I sometimes wish ECCIE was less accessable to people who have not at least joined/signed up. So google doesn't "find" anything past a certain point.

I guess they (LE/media and now this watchdog group) will always go after the hobby based on the almost undefendable accusation of trafficing or even worse: bring in the charge of child sexual abuse.

Does it (underage) happen? Probably, but I've never heard of a provider (SW or otherwise) wanting to pretend or advertise that they are uderage or younger. Just the opposite. If they are underage, they lie about it and say they are of age. So there really not as much "demand" for underage as the media likes us to believe.

Trafficing? Maybe, in as much as shuttling (or trafficing) spa girls from California to Texas and back. Against their will? I suppose for some and for providers with Pimps. LE should go after and make it easier for girls to report pimps, forced, underage, or otherwise instead of concentrating on the end user. Doesn't work with the drug war (to go after users), won't work for prostitution. Plus, unlike the drug war, there just isn't that much for LE to chase that would be truely classified as trafficing or underage.
Stalion's Avatar
+1 Yowzer
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
God I wish this was outlandish. Sadly it is happening. In our own city 1,000’s of girls will be forced into sex slavery tonight just like every other night of the week. In cantinas, spas, backpage, parking lots and the track.

There ARE underage girls ALL over backpage. Lots of times when you see an ad with fake pictures, it is because the pimp has an underage girl and he knows if he takes provocative pictures of her, that is a felony case of child porn, so instead he uses fake pictures of other girls that look like his girl to push his “product”.

For years I have been part of a watch dog group that goes out almost every night of the month from 10pm - 3am (I only go once a month with them) and the stuff I see is heart breaking. What the news is reporting is happening.

I love what I do and I’m blessed to meet some of the kindest, most gentle, generous, men a “prostitute” can have meet, but it sickness me to know the dirty side of this profession that has been so good to me.

As for men who see prostitutes being criminals? Well yes and no. If you see a girl who you know is distressed, not interested, incoherent, crying, sad, nervous, has been beaten, ect and still go through with the session just so you can "nutt", then yeah, you’re a criminal. But when you meet a lady from the board or P411, spend a passionate hour full of pleasure, excitement, smiles and laughs, then no, you’re not a criminal.

I have no problem with adult (21 and up) prostitution but the forced and under age stuff bothers me so much it keeps me up at night. Once I have completed my degree I hope to build and run a safe house for runaways and girls who get trapped into prostitution here in Houston.
dearhunter's Avatar
I am happy with 30+
Yowzer's Avatar

There ARE underage girls ALL over backpage. Lots of times when you see an ad with fake pictures, it is because the pimp has an underage girl and he knows if he takes provocative pictures of her, that is a felony case of child porn, so instead he uses fake pictures of other girls that look like his girl to push his “product”.
  Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
Thanks Brooke for setting the record "straight". Another good reason to stay away from BP and walk when the pictures don't match.

Of course, sticking with ECCIE providers is always a good idea
I don't believe any of this bullshit. As much as I hobby, using all different kinds of resources, if human trafficking in children was such a pervasive problem, I would have come across it. In the years I've been doing this, on and off, I have only once -- ONCE -- met a woman who I thought was questionable and I asked to see her ID. She showed it to me and she was 19.

Its just like all the hype about child pornography. Evidently, its rampant on the internet. It's everywhere, just waiting to sneak onto your computer, or so the media would have you believe. Well, I surf for porn regularly and I've never seen anything with kids. I've seen prolapsed anuses, fisting, cock-fingering and old gay dudes... not to mention every kind of deviant, sometimes hilarious grade in between. Never once a kid.

To be clear, I'm not saying it doesn't happen, just that its probably not as wide-spread and pervasive a problem as the media and these watchdog groups would have you believe. Of course they want you to think its everywhere. It gets their ratings up and brings more attention to a problem, possibly volunteers and fund-raising.
pyramider's Avatar
Before you buy be sure to check the return policy ... you might be stuck with them.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
My preference has always been for 25-50 age range, so getting the young 'uns was never anything I would concern myself with. Also being a fan of Wildflowers I was secure that everything was OK. When dealing with the 'immigrant factor' I always hung out with ladies like the Wildcat.

I do remember one girl before BT that was 17 working someplace, but I can't remember where.

This being said, I feel strongly there are some deep underground places where underage girls can be found, but these are places that would never be reviewed and probably had some sort of vouch system for known customers.

I can't say I would feel any sort of compassion for someone busted with some underaged girl. I know some 14 year old girls can pass for 18, but that's the price guys pay when playing with the unknown.
The thing that kills me with the fox report is that they say there are risk factors to spot a trafficked girl "not having a father, coming from a dysfunctional family, running away from home." SERIOUSLY? SMH.

Yes, humans are being trafficked all over the US. Yes, there is a very dark sex trade industry, but I personally think the scope of this "free the captives" movement is over reaching and does an inadequate job of determining who is working AGAINST their will and who just wants to sell a lil ass on the side.

I think the support group should focus more of their efforts on cracking down on the men and women that actively participate in the trafficking and enslavement. I'd start in the spas and agencies before I started after independents.
Stalion's Avatar
The thing that kills me with the fox report is that they say there are risk factors to spot a trafficked girl "not having a father, coming from a dysfunctional family, running away from home." SERIOUSLY? SMH.

Yes, humans are being trafficked all over the US. Yes, there is a very dark sex trade industry, but I personally think the scope of this "free the captives" movement is over reaching and does an inadequate job of determining who is working AGAINST their will and who just wants to sell a lil ass on the side.

I think the support group should focus more of their efforts on cracking down on the men and women that actively participate in the trafficking and enslavement. I'd start in the spas and agencies before I started after independents. Originally Posted by sensualsanaa
Thats my story and I'm sticking to it!. Well put girl!
This is awful and sadly true. Human trafficking is worldwide and it is very hard to put a stop to it. I'll pray for the young girls who are still being forced into this. That is a very sad thing to hear that it's happening in Houston now. I think PIMPS are pathetic and deserve to get the maximum punishment for doing this stuff to young girls...who most probably haven't even reached puberty.