Postponing Shreveports and Alexandria

I am assuming this is a last minute town, because I had several guys show interest but very few appointments are set. Too far of a hike to chance not making money.

Perhaps, I will have better luck next time.

Until then...
MuffinMan's Avatar
Heidi.... S'port guys can be great, but they can also be great about begging you to come and then not booking for a number of reasons. Maybe you're visiting too close on the heels of other traveling providers. Maybe the $$ has dried up and they don't have enough for a $$$/hr lady...or, maybe the days you planned to come were bad for men with s/o's to get out of the house.

I hope many of the guys who asked you to come will now call or PM you to schedule. It puts all of us in a bad light if they do this to ladies who come as highly recommended as you.

Thanks Muffin, I am sure it will work out soon.