When in a session do you....

Initiate the "action" or let your client/provider do it?
its always polite to let ladys' go first..lol
it just depends on how things get started...some start as soon as you open the door and other times you may start chatting and sharing a beverage with the lady then a little makeout time which then winds up in the bedroom.
what ever feels natural and how well you know your provider.
pyramider's Avatar
Some ladies do not initiate but attack as should as you step in the door.
I usually initiate it by one form or another. Depending on the circumstance either: leading to the bedroom, stripping down, or instigating the first sensual touch.
However, some hobbyists are presumptuous and beat me to the punch - so to speak.
Still Looking's Avatar
Hug, Hello, Gift, Cloths off and I start the SL happy dance..... I let the provider catch up! LOL This ALWAYS eliminates the LE BS also! LOL
I make her pull out 1 BOOB ...and ONLY ONE......... and I have to GRAB on to it, this usually puts the gal at ease and lets her know Im no LE.so I guess I initiate..also lets me know she aignt no copper!!
Initiate the "action" or let your client/provider do it? Originally Posted by Shayla
Understandably, some guys will be nervous with you Shayla, and not initiate.

I tend to have her favorite beverage and mine as well to enjoy "getting to know each other". I already have a huge attraction for her, as I selected her and rarely if ever nowadays select wrong.

For you though Shayla, honestly, as you are drinking your Canadian beer in a glass, I would pull out my Hard DICK and proceed to fucking your face, to the point where there are gobs of drool all over it. Now, that is how you treat a beautiful woman right and initiate the action!
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Some ladies do not initiate but attack as should as you step in the door. Originally Posted by pyramider
some of us just can't help ourselves

To answer the OP depends on what kind of connection you have made with them (if they get attacked at door or shortly thereafter)
Hug, Hello, Gift, Cloths off and I start the SL happy dance..... I let the provider catch up! LOL This ALWAYS eliminates the LE BS also! LOL Originally Posted by Still Looking
SL, that is some funny shit...you've got to be kidding right? Nope, nevermind...I know you're not! LMAO!!!
I usually initiate after we share drinks and chitchat for a little... some guys are shy and if i wait on them, we'd be sitting there all day making small talk...
Still Looking's Avatar
Understandably, some guys will be nervous with you Shayla, and not initiate.

I tend to have her favorite beverage and mine as well to enjoy "getting to know each other". I already have a huge attraction for her, as I selected her and rarely if ever nowadays select wrong.

For you though Shayla, honestly, as you are drinking your Canadian beer in a glass, I would pull out my Hard DICK and proceed to fucking your face, to the point where there are gobs of drool all over it. Now, that is how you treat a beautiful woman right and initiate the action! Originally Posted by mijo(BFE)
I just love watching you work Mijo! LOL
I'm an old, fat, white guy with the metabolism of a dead man. She makes the first move (and 90% of the next ones). Generally, the only moves I make are getting hard, attempting (unsuccessfully) to get in rhythm while in flagrante delicto, and shooting my wad (only 1 per session).
I'm an old, fat, white guy with the metabolism of a dead man. She makes the first move (and 90% of the next ones). Generally, the only moves I make are getting hard, attempting (unsuccessfully) to get in rhythm while in flagrante delicto, and shooting my wad (only 1 per session). Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
charlestudor, I'm taking note here. Why the Fuck am I doing so much work. These young ladies need to rock it! I'm learning, got me huffin' and puffin', pounding to their fucking delight (oh shit, I forgot I'm BFE)...I'll be changing that soon, too much work. I'm getting lazy damnit!
john353's Avatar
It all depends.

I have been in situations where I was all but attacked as soon as I walk in the door, and then there have been times where I was so consumed with lust that literally attacked her. What I like is after the door closes, the deadbolt is locked...and she turns to look at me with a hunger in her eyes. When it's fifteen minutes into a session and I still have my pants around my ankles and my cock is in her mouth, then I think it's pretty safe to say she initiated the first move. LOL!!

Also, a lot has to with the time allotted.

In a one hour session, I'm more inclined to want to get the show going as soon as possible, so I will start to undress while we are having small talk. Sometimes that first greeting kiss turns into fondling and groping...and on from there.

Two hour sessions or multis...I don't mind a few minutes to get caught up and have a few laughs before we begin.

I believe that no two sessions are exactly the same, even when it's a regular client seeing his ATF for the umpteenth time. It all depends on the mood of the client and/or the provider at any given time. I just go with the flow and let things happen as they may.

One thing is for certain though. If I wasn't lusting for you in the first place, I would never have contacted you. It doesn't matter who makes the first move...but let's get this party started!!
Fast Gunn's Avatar
A good session is like a dance.

You enter the room and find that your partner awaits.

Sometimes she's eager and ready to glide into your arms and other times, she's uncertain and demure and you need to coax her out.

You gauge her mood and start the dance that fits the music of the moment and when it's good,

. . . it's great!