Maher cuts to the chase:
People get mad at me for using the phrase "this stupid country", which I sometimes do - but, I'm sorry - Satan? In 2012? This elephant is not only in the room at the debates, but everywhere on TV today where people were talking about this and not breaking down in the middle and screaming, Wait a minute - We're modern people, surely we don't give any credence to this comic book character that was created in the bronze age!! It's barely worthy of a children's story, and people take it to the Oval Office - Bush did - and it affects their thinking and our lives.
Why is Santorum so against contraception? Because there's a line in Genesis about not spilling your seed.
A random brain fart from some desert dweller 3,000 years ago, before people knew about germs or atoms or round planets, and it gets written down and passed down and in 2012 people like Rick Santorum are still too R-word to see that, and that's why some woman in Akron, Ohio might not get birth control.
From his comments about the last debate: He added that after watching the Republicans debate 20 times, "You listen to these people talking about vaginal probes and Satan and zero percent taxes on capital gains and the rest of this nonsense, you run back into the arms of Barack Obama."