Over the weekend I heard a talking head on the radio saying that if a guy wants to impress a woman that he should not try to make her laugh, that he'd be better off making his buddies laugh and letting her see that.
I'm not sure I agree. First of all, my buddies aren't going to put out. Secondly, if they were going to put out, they don't have anything I want.
When I'm visiting a lady (inside or outside the hobby) I try to keep things light and cheerful. I try to make her smile and laugh. I've had girlfriends tell me that my sense of humor and the appearance of enjoying myself is one of the things that attracted them to me.
I've also visited with ladies in the hobby tell me that I seem to be very cheerful and happy, and that they enjoy that and makes them look forward to visiting with me. One has told me that my cheeriness seems to rub off on her too (I guess that's possible with enough friction).
So ladies... is the talking head correct? Are funny guys a turn off?