Funny Guys?

Over the weekend I heard a talking head on the radio saying that if a guy wants to impress a woman that he should not try to make her laugh, that he'd be better off making his buddies laugh and letting her see that.

I'm not sure I agree. First of all, my buddies aren't going to put out. Secondly, if they were going to put out, they don't have anything I want.

When I'm visiting a lady (inside or outside the hobby) I try to keep things light and cheerful. I try to make her smile and laugh. I've had girlfriends tell me that my sense of humor and the appearance of enjoying myself is one of the things that attracted them to me.

I've also visited with ladies in the hobby tell me that I seem to be very cheerful and happy, and that they enjoy that and makes them look forward to visiting with me. One has told me that my cheeriness seems to rub off on her too (I guess that's possible with enough friction).

So ladies... is the talking head correct? Are funny guys a turn off?
Caylee's Avatar
Absolutely NOT! Someone with a good sense of humor, especially one that is able to laugh at himself, is definitely a TURN ON! I think the guy on the radio must've lost a girl to the funny guy, lol!
Thank you Caylee Darling.

I was thinking the same thing, that it was possibly a case of sour grapes on his part.
atlcomedy's Avatar
I obviously don't know the context of the remark but there are many types of "funny"

I think funny as in charming, engaging, comfortable is good.

Funny as in the class clown/stand up comedian wannabe? Not sure that guy always gets the girl and when he isn't funny...well that comes across as creepy.
I think funny as in charming, engaging, comfortable is good. Originally Posted by atlcomedy
I think that would be the context of the comments made by the talking head.

I would think a reasonable person would keep the class clown routines to themselves or at least confined to a cadre of close friends... in the appropriate settings... like work.
Lynette's Avatar
Smart and witty is always a turn on to me. An occasional joke is nice too... but non-stop clowning around can be taken as immature. And pranks are usually never appreciated by women.
I like to think I am kind of smart and witty.

Having a few laughs during a session usually means a good connection between me and the lady was, and in that case there will be repeat sessions in the future for me with the lady.

Smart and witty is always a turn on to me. An occasional joke is nice too... but non-stop clowning around can be taken as immature. And pranks are usually never appreciated by women. Originally Posted by Lynette
Lynette's Avatar
Well in that case, ROFLMAO.
We can roll around on the floor, the bed, or anywhere else, for a few "laughs".

But texas is so far away, you should come to GA so we can have those laughs you are interested in.