Apologies to my clients front this weekend.

Lovely Callie's Avatar
I was jumped by a group of guys and a girl (4 in total) leaving work Saturday night. The attack wasn't hobby related...just a group of assholes trying to rob the bartender. Overall, I walked away pretty lucky with just a busted mouth and a black eye. I was in the er from about 3am Sunday to noon Sunday. I got 7 pretty stitches in my lips and get to go the dentist for more torture later this week. I can't talk much or even fit a spoon in my mouth lol.

I sincerely apogize to everyone that I couldn't see and will have to cancel with, but I have to focus on myself for a few days until the stitches are out and the swelling goes down. I will let you guys know when I am up and running again.
LilRed's Avatar
That is TERRIBLE!!

Take care and I hope you get to feeling better soon.
Oh my!
Take care of yourself!
ilovedatass's Avatar
So sorry that happened to you. I hope those dirtbags get what's coming to them
Poor thing. You need a taser! Mace. Wasp spray. Pistol. Something. Hope you feel better soon.
Missy Mariposa's Avatar
I'm sorry to hear that I agree with pepper spray. I have triple action with UV dye in arms reach at pretty much all times. I've been assaulted (once hobby, once while jogging in Canada - I cold cocked him and got away luckily) and will never be without it.
DallasRain's Avatar
ditto with pepper spray!

I am so sorry that happened...i wish you a speedy recovery!
Those turds! Hope you are feeling better and your pretty face heals quickly!
We all are so glad you are ok, and yes those thugs will gets theirs. Hopefully there was a cam and they got pictures of those thugs and can put them where they belong!
Lovely Callie's Avatar
Thanks everyone! Its ironic that providing is safer than my real job. Lol
The support from all you guys and girls here has been tremendous. Im getting a nice little friend (9mm Glock) I expect no problems with him around haha!

I've been doing work related research (porn watching and serious fantasizing) while I've been out, so guys watch out. I may have a few new tricks up my sleeve. :-)
When You Are Ready's Avatar
I'm sorry to hear about your troubles. There's always those out there that want someone else has had to work so hard to get.

I once worked as a bartended at an Navy Officers Club, and it's fun, but not easy.
midnite312004's Avatar
Very sorry to hear that. Hope you feel better.
Murf76's Avatar
Poor thing. You need a taser! Mace. Wasp spray. Pistol. Something. Hope you feel better soon. Originally Posted by Asigarillo

Wasp spray(other than a .44 Magnum) is the best if you can keep it handy! Most brands will shoot about 20 feet and if it gets in the assailant's eyes,they are blinded until it is chemically removed!!!!!
Wasp spray(other than a .44 Magnum) is the best if you can keep it handy! Most brands will shoot about 20 feet and if it gets in the assailant's eyes,they are blinded until it is chemically removed!!!!! Originally Posted by Murf76
Yea I know...just too bad it's about as easy to carry as a 50-cal desert eagle. But it's cheap and worth the trouble. The mrs keeps a can or two nearby.
holy shit, that's horrible.

carry a taser. they're small, easy to carry, are non-lethal, and they are pretty effective because of the whole element of surprise (shock value!). plus, they're fun at parties.

i wouldn't bother with wasp spray, though. it's not necessarily any more effective than pepper spray (it's not made to incapacitate humans, after all), and unfortunately, depending on where you are, it could actually get you in trouble:


also, as with any spray, you need to think about wind. i don't know if wasp spray can permanently damage the eyes or cause any lasting effects, but pepper spray won't, and in the event that the blows it into YOUR face, it's probably better that you get hit with a substance whose effects you know you'll recover from.

also, there's always the risk that the person attacking you will be bigger, stronger, faster, and crazier than you are, and they may outnumber you. so they might find it pretty easy to wrestle a can of spray out of your hands and use it against you.

this is why i strap on a machine gun and carry it with me wherever i go.

i'm really sorry that happened to you. hopefully you've got some good painkillers and ice cream.