Are YOU In the FBI Guardian Database?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I suppose everyone of us who received a top secret clearance are still there.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I expect we all are. Big Brother is watching you.
Sa_artman's Avatar
I expect we all are. Big Brother is watching you. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Thank god you're watching out for us...
Af-Freakin's Avatar
Thank god you're watching out for us...
Originally Posted by Sa_artman
LOL thats exactly what i think he looks like!
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Idiots. That doesn't look at all like me. My hair is much shorter, and I wear a golf hat. That hat looks stupid.

Sheesh! At least take a recent picture.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Gee, back in the '60's I had the honor of having a little file because of anti-war activities. But, unfortunately for your premise, my name was put in by the repukes in the Nixon administration. Oh, well......nice try (as usual).....but just another pointless paranoid rant. BTW, did you ever find any communists under any beds in the '50's? According to J. Edgar and Joe McCarthy they were everywhere. Look at history, we here in the USA have had and will always have more to fear from the right when it comes to the loss of personal liberties and freedoms. They just like to dress the attempted restrictions up as "patriotic." Hmmmm, does the "Patriot" Act ring any bells?

Will someone please photoshop the pic of COG, shorten the hair and give him a golf hat? But, leave the intelligent, penetrating 1000 yard stare and the jaunty way his lips curl around the remaining tooth.
Sweet N Little's Avatar
Thank god you're watching out for us...
Originally Posted by Sa_artman

Sorry COG , but that was FUNNY!!
Thank god you're watching out for us...
Originally Posted by Sa_artman
If that old dude was trully watching out for us I would trust him more than than some. I'll take me a Patriot over a Ozombie anyday....Fuckem.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Gee, back in the '60's I had the honor of having a little file because of anti-war activities. But, unfortunately for your premise, my name was put in by the repukes in the Nixon administration. Oh, well......nice try (as usual).....but just another pointless paranoid rant. BTW, did you ever find any communists under any beds in the '50's? According to J. Edgar and Joe McCarthy they were everywhere. Look at history, we here in the USA have had and will always have more to fear from the right when it comes to the loss of personal liberties and freedoms. They just like to dress the attempted restrictions up as "patriotic." Hmmmm, does the "Patriot" Act ring any bells?

Will someone please photoshop the pic of COG, shorten the hair and give him a golf hat? But, leave the intelligent, penetrating 1000 yard stare and the jaunty way his lips curl around the remaining tooth. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
so you were one of those long haired hippies that almost started Kent State II?

this was me, preparing to serve my country, note the hippies on the right
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Sorry COG , but that was FUNNY!! Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
LOL, SnL! It was funny! No worries here.

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Randy, don't confuse me with the Republicans. I detest them at least much as I detest Democrats. And I wear being on Nixon's enemies list as a badge of honor.

BTW, I detest their philosophy, I don't detest people.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
cpl-j, Kent State II? Please sober from the cow pucky methane induced coma up long enough to remember who had the guns and tear gas, jackwagon (R Lee says "High").

Sorry, COF , er, G, I didn't mean to offend your delicate sensibilities. I'll wait while you adjust your tampon.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Thank you, Randy, for that steaming turd of wisdom. Now if you have something of substance to add, please post. Otherwise, STFU
cptjohnstone's Avatar
cpl-j, Kent State II? Please sober from the cow pucky methane induced coma up long enough to remember who had the guns and tear gas, jackwagon (R Lee says "High").

Sorry, COF , er, G, I didn't mean to offend your delicate sensibilities. I'll wait while you adjust your tampon. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
I was referring to the near riot conditions at zerou

I will try again on the pic's