How much info to share?

So I posted an ISO and a nice individual replied. She asked me to tell about myself. What type of info is appropriate to share and what is unnecessary?
Depends on her interest. If she's asking for screening information, normally she'll want a place of employment & phone number & RL name so she can verify who you are. It's a safety issue for her. This is generally non-negotiable. She normally won't ask more than she needs to screen you.

If she's asking you to describe what you do, you can either lie about that or be truthful but vague. For instance, if you're an attorney, you don't have to say that. You can say you do consulting work. If she asks further, you can say you advise individuals and corporations on profit-making strategies. All this is true w/o disclosing you are an attorney.
If you don't plan on setting an appointment with her right now, keep it general and vague. You don't want too many ladies having your info.

If you want to talk to her about the ISO you posted, again keep it general as most ladies won't go into detail about sessions.
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Just a simple description at first...
Im am a 55 yo MWM 6" 180#s, Ive in the real estate field for 10 years etc, you don't have to get technical, she more than likely wants to get a feel for who you are and to get a little banter going on to decide if she wants to see you

First conversations/impressions can make or break a date.

For me, if you were evasive, that would send up a red flag.

Good luck and have fun!