Wiccan Coven??

McLuvin's Avatar
Hi Ladies,

Just wanted to announce that I'll be taking over the Austin chapter of John Friend's wiccan coven.


Now taking applications. For consideration, please include picture of self (preferably nude) in Uttana Shishosana pose (aka Extended Puppy).

Seriously though, after reading the article, don’t be surprised if you see me at the some Pure Austin yoga classes soon. If I don’t slip a another disc… I may ask to start every session with some nude yoga. Ever done that before?
nuglet's Avatar
I guess you already know this, but Yoga has absolutely nothing to do with the Wiccan culture. There are several covens in Austin and none of them are related to Yoga.. They are about the love of Mother Earth and harmony.
Guest062716's Avatar
I read this post yesterday and initially did not comment, as I found it to be so incredulous.

I will comment now.

With only 8 posts in 2 years, it may not be easy to discern the OP's motives for this posting.

That aside, this is at best, an extremely poor attempt at humor.

The linked article makes no ties between Hatha, Tantra or Anusara Yoga (which, religiously, have very strong ties with Hinduism and Buddhism) and the practice of Wicca.

IMO, this posting is insulting on a number of levels, and an apology is due.


nuglet's Avatar
"I'll be taking over the Austin chapter of John Friend's wiccan coven."

AND, is by any measurement a threAD.. just because he's a hobbyist doesn't change the game
McLuvin's Avatar
Indeed, sounds like this was a very poorly received attempt at humor on my part. I understand that Wicca and yoga are not connected … the only connection here was that Friend mentioned in the article was into both.

My apologies to all insulted. I had just randomly come across this article on the Times and was curious if providers ever did yoga with their clients. In retrospect, I should have just dropped any pretense at humor and said “Have any of you ladies practiced yoga with a client? Not that I do yoga but just because I’m curious.” Er… but since I don’t actually do yoga that’s pretty ridiculous as well…. should have just moved on without posting.

Again, I’m sincerely sorry to have insulted anyone with the post. Certainly wasn’t my intention.
nuglet's Avatar
no prob.. was strange to have a hobbyist post an ad.. LOL
Joel Goodson's Avatar
I read this post yesterday and initially did not comment, as I found it to be so incredulous.

I will comment now.

With only 8 posts in 2 years, it may not be easy to discern the OP's motives for this posting.

That aside, this is at best, an extremely poor attempt at humor.

The linked article makes no ties between Hatha, Tantra or Anusara Yoga (which, religiously, have very strong ties with Hinduism and Buddhism) and the practice of Wicca.

IMO, this posting is insulting on a number of levels, and an apology is due.


OldSarge Originally Posted by OldSarge
Indeed, sounds like this was a very poorly received attempt at humor on my part. I understand that Wicca and yoga are not connected … the only connection here was that Friend mentioned in the article was into both.

My apologies to all insulted. I had just randomly come across this article on the Times and was curious if providers ever did yoga with their clients. In retrospect, I should have just dropped any pretense at humor and said “Have any of you ladies practiced yoga with a client? Not that I do yoga but just because I’m curious.” Er… but since I don’t actually do yoga that’s pretty ridiculous as well…. should have just moved on without posting.

Again, I’m sincerely sorry to have insulted anyone with the post. Certainly wasn’t my intention. Originally Posted by McLuvin
Curious reaction. I am left wondering where the "insult" lies.

If I am not mistaken, OldSarge used to be a mod here, but is no longer for whatever reason.

I remember this topic came up a while back. Have at it, then duly report your recon.

Whispers's Avatar

No matter what the poster intended to say where is there any "insult" or need for apology?