Split this forum?

unbig's Avatar
  • unbig
  • 03-03-2012, 07:02 AM
Mods -Would it be possible to break out a separate board for Baton Rouge/Lafayette/etc. so that it's easier to find the NOLA info in one place?

Thanks for the consideration,
Outdoorsman's Avatar
This question has been asked plenty in the past. Just is not enough traffic to warrant separate boards, at least that is my understanding.
Bertrichard2000's Avatar
Main Discussion/Information
Australia/New Zealand
Central & South America
Middle East

we have mor going on in lafayette than all these places so give me a better reason other than the owner has not got time for south louisiana.
Outdoorsman's Avatar
First off, I owe you no explanation at all Bert. I pass along what I am told by owners, nothing more I can do.
Hey Bert. I do have time for South Louisiana, but frankly, I have not had time for building new forums lately and I have a bit of a backlog going.. My apologies. Rest assured I have seen this request and if the community wants it, I'll find a way to make it happen for you.

St. C
  • Paven
  • 03-05-2012, 03:07 PM
If not totally separate forums, can you at least do a sub forum for ads like North/East Texas has please? Lake Charles, Lafayette, Baton Rouge, Houma. That would be so helpful for traveling ladies for posting ads. I know that I sure would appreciate it!
Louisiana is a good sized state and eccie is popular, I bet folks would be really pleased if you could do this, just saying . Purty please with a cherry on top?
skeeter's Avatar
Several of us have brought this up in the past and i even went to st christopher about it some time back..... he cordially answered and said he would review and keep an eye on it .... But to be fair and honestly look at it ..... as active as we are I really feel it will hurt us if we split it up from a discussion stand point ..... But like Paven and others have suggested divide the advertising portion into sub sections ..... Just my .02 cents
I agree. Sometimes I make a last minute decision to go to BR or Laffy, but we can only post one ad during the week.
Bertrichard2000's Avatar
Just search that section for the term "lafayette"
Bertrichard2000's Avatar
i do that but still not the same as haveing our owne place
unbig's Avatar
  • unbig
  • 03-14-2012, 06:21 PM
It's just really hard to find what youre looking for in the city you're in... That's my gripe. Thanks!!!
Mr_big504's Avatar
I agree! Sick of looking at BR and laffy chicks only to find out its a waste.